
Great Britain. Foreign Office

165 published titles

Documents on British Foreign policy, 1919-1939

2 editions

European co-operation : memorandum submitted to the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation relating to economic affairs in the period 1950-51-52

1 edition

Economic co-operation : sixth report on operations under the agreemnt between the governments of the United Kingdom and the United States of America,covering the fourth calendar quarter of 1949

1 edition

Manual of German law. Vol.1, General introduction,civil and commercial law

1 edition

Report on the proceedings of the fourth session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, held at New York, 20th September-10th December, 1949, (with annexes)

1 edition

Industrial relations in Germany, 1945-1949 : an account of the post-war growth of employers' and workers' organisations in the British Zone of Germany

1 edition

Foreign Compensation Bill, 1950 : memorandum and drafts of two Orders in Council to be made under clauses 2 and 7 of the Bill

1 edition

Economic co-operation : seventh report on operations under the Economic Co-operation Agreement between the governments of the United Kingdom and theUnited States of America,covering the first calendar

1 edition

Anglo-French discussions regarding French proposals for the Western European coal, iron and steel industries, May-June,1950

1 edition

Correspondence between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government respecting the German steamer "Altmark," London, 17th February-15th March, 1940

1 edition

Economic co-operation : eighth report on operations under the Economic Co-operation Agreement between the governments of the United Kingdom and the United States of America,covering the second calenda

1 edition

General Assembly of the United Nations, 20th September-10th December, 1949 : memorandum on proceedings relating to non-self-governing and trust territories

1 edition

Summary of events relating to Korea, 1950, with appendix and annexes

1 edition

Loan agreements between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Export-Import Bank of Washington

1 edition

Korea : United Nations resolution on Chinese intervention in Korea passed by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 1st February,1951. Speeches of Sir Gladwyn Jebb, United Kingdom permanent rep

1 edition

Revision of the occupation controls in Germany, Bonn,6th March,1951

1 edition

Draft Peace treaty with Japan and! Amendments

1 edition

Draft treaty of peace with Japan amended 13th August 1951

1 edition

Further summary of events relating to Korea, October 1950 to May 1951 (with annexes)

1 edition

Report of the O'Sullivan Committee on the progress made in the disposal of internal restitution claims in the British Zone of Germany, 30th June,1951

1 edition

Limitation of armaments : draft resolution tabled in the General Assembly of the United Nations by His Majesty's Government in th United Kingdom ofGreat Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government

1 edition

Anglo-Egyptian conversations on the defence of the Suez Canal and on the Sudan, December 1950- November 1951

1 edition

Report on explosion and fire at Regent Oil Co. Ltd. premises, Royal Edward Dock, Avonmouth, Bristol, on 7th September 1951

1 edition

Report on the proceedings of the third and fourth sessions of the Consultative Asssembly of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg

1 edition

German defence contribution and the Europeam Defence Community

1 edition

Exchanges of notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Governmentof Italy regarding the transfer to Italy of the provisional administration of So

1 edition

Correspondence between Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Soviet Government about the future of Germany,10th/25th March 1952

1 edition

Council of Europe : proposals for Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom

1 edition

Manual of German law. Vol.2, Private international law,civil procedure,criminal law,criminal procedure

1 edition

Further correspondence between Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Soviet Government about the future ofGermany 9th April 1952,13th May,1952

1 edition

Memorandum on relation between the Three Powers and the Federal Republic of Germany, 26th May 1952

1 edition

Memorandum regarding Western support for the European Defence Community, 27th May, 1952 : presented by the Secretary of State for Froeign Affairs to Parliament

1 edition

Korea, summary of developments in the armistice negotiations and the prisoner of war camps, 1951-52

1 edition

Further correspondence between her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Soviet Government about the future of Germany24th May, 1952

1 edition

Statements issued by the foreign ministers of the United Kingdom,the United States and France in Washington on 14th September 1951on the subject of Germany

1 edition

Correspondence between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Central People's Government of China on British trade in China, Peking, 12th April-5th July, 1

1 edition

Germany's place in the new Europe

1 edition

Further correspondence between Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Soviet Government about the future ofGermany, 23rd August 1952 23rd September 1952

1 edition

Council of Europe : progress of the United Kingdom proposals

1 edition

Korea, the Indian proposal for resolving the prisoners of war problem

1 edition

Report on the disposal of the former Italian colonies in accordance with the terms of the Treaty of Peace with Italy of 1947

1 edition

Further correspondence between Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Soviet Government regarding the future ofGermany August 4/September 2 1953

1 edition

Report of the North Atlantic Council meeting, Paris, 15th/18th December, 1952

1 edition

Documents concerning constitutional development in the Sudan and the agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Egyptian Government concerning

1 edition

Draft agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the EgyptianGovernment concerning self-government and self-determination for the Sudan, February

1 edition

Korea, summary of further developments up to January 1953

1 edition

Report on the proceedings of the 1953 extraordinary session and of the fifth ordinary session of the Consultative Asssembly of the Council of Europe, including the joint meeting with the Common Asssem

1 edition

Further correspondence between Her Majesty's government in the United Kingdom and the Soviet government regarding theinternational situation

3 editions

Recent correspondence with the Soviet Government regarding Austria, December 28, 1951-January 12, 1954

1 edition

Documents relating to the meeting of foreign ministers of France, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union and the UnitedStates of America, Berlin, January 25-February 18, 1954

1 edition

Memorandum regarding United Kingdom association with the European Defence Community, April 13, 1954

1 edition

Survey of Anglo-Norwegian cultural relations, July 1, 1954

1 edition

Suez Canal annual returns of shipping and tonnage for the years 1946-1952

1 edition

Anglo-Egyptian defence negotiations regarding the Suez Canal Base, initialled at Cairo, July 27, 1954 : heads of agreement: presented by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to Parliament

1 edition

Further correspondence between Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Soviet Government regarding collectivesecurity, Moscow, July 24/September 10, 1954

1 edition

Report on events leading up to and arising out of the change of régime in Guatemala,1954

1 edition

Report on the inscription of the Cyprus item on the agenda of the ninth session of the General Assembly of the United Nations held at New York on September 23/24,1954

1 edition

Further correspondence between Her Majesty's Government and the United Kingdom and the Soviet Government regarding collective security Moscow, October, November, 1954

1 edition

Comments on the seventh report from the Select Committee on Estimates, January 31, 1955

1 edition

Documents relating to the termination of the occupation régime in the Federal Republic of Germany,Bonn,1952,Paris,1954

1 edition

Report on the proceedings of the General Assembly of the United Nations. Ninth session, held at New York, Sep 21-Dec, 17, 1954

1 edition

Correspondence between Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Sviet Government regarding the convening of a conference of heads of governments of the United Kingdom,France,the United S

1 edition

Report on the proceedings of the ordinary session of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe, including the joint meeting with the Common Assembly of the European Coal and Steel Community.

1 edition

Documents on British foreign policy,1919-1939. Vol.8, 1938-39

1 edition

Documents relating to the meeting of heads of government of France,the United Kingdom,the Soviet Union and the United States ofAmerica, Geneva, July 18 to 23, 1955

1 edition

Documents on British foreign policy,1919-1939. Vol.9, 1939

1 edition

Report concerning the disappearance of two former Foreign Office officials

1 edition

Exchange of notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Egypt supplementing the agreement of the 19th of October, 1954 regarding Suez

1 edition

Documents relating to the meeting of Foreign Ministers of France,the United Kingdom,the Soviet Union and the United States of America, Geneva,October 17 to November 16,1955

1 edition

Report on the proceedings of the General Assembly of the United Nations. Tenth session, held at New York, Sep 20-Dec 20, 1955

1 edition

Export of surplus war material

1 edition

Vietnam and the Geneva agreements : documents concerning the discussions between representatives of Her Majesty's Government and the Government of the Union of Soviet Republics held in London in April

1 edition

Self-determination in the Sudan : résumé of developments, November 15, 1951-January 1, 1956

1 edition

Documents on British foreign policy,1919-1939. Vol.6, 1919

1 edition

Documents on British foreign policy,1919-1939. Vol.5, 1933

1 edition

Correspondence between Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom,the Federal German Government and the Soviet Government about the future of Germany

1 edition

Documents on British foreign policy,1919-1939. Vol.6.2nd series, 1933-34

1 edition

Report on the proceedings of the General Assembly of the United Nations. Eleventh session held at New York, Nov 12-Dec 23, 1956 and Jan 2-Mar 8, 1957; including reports on the two special emergency se

1 edition

Overseas information services

2 editions

Handbook for wireless operators working installations licensed by Her Majesty's Postmaster General

1 edition

The Hungarian uprising : an abridgement of the report of the United Nations Special Committee on the Problem of Hungary published on June 20, 1957


1 edition

Documents on British foreign policy,1919-1939. 1st series, 1920

1 edition

Correspondence between the Prime Minister and Mr.Bulganin,April 20 to September 2,1957

1 edition

Correspondence between the Prime Minister and Mr.Bulganin,December 11,1957 to February 8,1958

1 edition

General index to ''Treaty series 1952-1954''. (in continuation of ''Treaty series no. 49 (1953)'' Cmnd 8908

1 edition

Documents on British foreign policy,1919-1939. Vol.7, 1929-34

1 edition

Report on the proceedings of the General Assembly of the United Nations. Thirteenth sessioon, held at New York, Sep. 16 Dec. 13, 1958; and reports on the Third Emergency Special Session, 1958, and the

1 edition

Correspondence with the Soviet Union on summit talks.March 17 to Arril 16,1958

1 edition

Further correspondence with the Soviet Union on summit talks,April 24 to Jul 1,1958

1 edition

Further correspondence with the Soviet Union,July 19 to August 10,1958

1 edition

Discussion on Cyprus in the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation,September-October,1958

1 edition

Further correspondence with the Soviet Union,August 22,1958 to October 30,1958

1 edition

Documents on British foreign policy,1919-1939. Vol.8.1st series, 1920

1 edition

Documents about the future of Germany (including Berlin). September to December, 1958

1 edition

Anglo-Soviet communique ́on the discussions of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom,Mr.Harold Macmillan,and the Foreign Secretary Mr.Selwyn Lloyd,with the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of t

1 edition

Report on the proceedings of the General Assembly of the United Nations. Thirteenth session, held at New York, Sep. 16 Dec. 13, 1958; and reports on the Third Emergency Special Session, 1958, and the

1 edition

Conference of Foreign Ministers at Geneva(commenced May 11,1959 adjourned June 20,1959) : principal documents

1 edition

Conference of Foreign Ministers at Geneva(reconvened July 13,1959 to August 5,195) : principal documents

1 edition

Documents on British foreign policy, 1919-1939 : 2nd series. Vol.8, Chinese questions, 1929-1931

1 edition

Documents on British foreign policy, 1919-1939 : 1st series. Vol.9, German affairs, 1920

1 edition

Documents on British foreign policy, 1919-1939. Vol.10, German affairs and plebiscite problems, 1920

1 edition

Agreements and exchanges of letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Somaliland in connexion with the attainment of independence

1 edition

The search for disarmament : a summary

1 edition

Documents on British foreign policy,1919-1939.3rd series

1 edition

Text of the draft treaty on the discontinuance of nuclear weapon tests tabled by the delegations of the United Kingdom and theUnited States at the 292nd meeting of the conference on the Discontinuance

1 edition

Documents on British foreign policy,1919-1939.1st series. Vol11, Upper Silesia, Poland and the Baltic States, January 1920-March 1921

1 edition

Documents about the future of Germany (including Berlin). June to July 1961

1 edition

Selected documents on Germany and the question of Berlin, 1944-1961

1 edition

Further documents relating to the Conference of the 18-Nation Committee on Disarmament, session March 14, 1962 to June 15, 1962

1 edition

Further documents relating to the Conference of the 18-Nation Committee on Disarmament (session July 16, 1962 to September 8, 1962

1 edition

Documents on British foreign policy, 1919-1939. Vol.12, Western and Central Europe, the Balkan states, January-December, 1920; Transcaucasia, February 1920-April,1921; Russia, February 1920-March,1921

1 edition

The European Communities : a glossary of legal terms appearing in the French texts of the treaties establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, the European Coal and Steel Community and the Euro

1 edition

General index to 'Treaty series'. 1958-1960, (in continuation of 'Treaty series no.6 (1961), 'Cmnd. 1285)

1 edition

The meaning of Berlin

1 edition

Documents relating to disarmament and to establishment of the 18-Nation committee

1 edition

Further documents relating to the Conference of the 18-Nation Committee on Disarmament, (the seventeenth General Assembly of the United Nations and the Session in Geneva from November 26,1962 to Decem

1 edition

Documents on British foreign policy,1919-1939. Vol.13, Turkey, February-December,1920's; Arabia, Syria, and Palestine, February 1920-January 1921. Persia, January 1920-March 1921

1 edition

Further documents relating to the Conference of the Eighteen-Nation Committee on Disarmament (session February 12, 1963 to June 21, 1963)

1 edition

The key to disarmament

1 edition

Further documents relating to the Conference of the Eighteen-Nation Committee on Disarmament, (the Eighteenth General Assembly of the United Nations and the Session in Geneva from July 30 to August 29

1 edition

Report on the proceedings of the General Assembly of the United Nations. Eighteenth session, Held at New York, September 17-December 17, 1963

1 edition

Further documents relating to the Conference of the Eighteen-Nation Committee on Disarmament (session January 21 to April 28, 1964)

1 edition

Documents on British foreign policy, 1919-1939 : 2nd series. Vol.9, Far Eastern crisis, 1931-1932

1 edition

Gibraltar : recent differences with Spain

1 edition

Disarmament : text of the speech by Lord Chalfont at the Conferenc of th Eighteen Nation Committee on Disarmament,29 July, 1965

1 edition

Disarmament : text of speeches by Lord Chalfont at the Conference of the Eighteen Nation Committee on Disarmament, July to September 1965

1 edition

The European communities : a glossary of legal terms appearing in the French texts of the treaties establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, the European Coal and Steel Community, and the Eur

1 edition

Documents relating to British involvement in the Indo-China conflict,1945-1965

1 edition

Report on the proceedings of the General Assembly of the United Nations. Twentieth session held at New York,21 September-21 December,1965

1 edition

General index to 'Treaty series'. 1961-1964,(in continuation of 'Treaty series no.121 (1961),'Cmnd.1748)

1 edition

Documents on British foreign policy,1919-1929, 1st series. Vol. 14, Far Eastern affairs,April 1920-February 1922

1 edition

Further documents on disarmament. 1965 disarmament negotiations

1 edition

Documents on British foreign policy, 1919-1939. Vol.1, The aftermath of Locarno, October 1925-June 1926

1 edition

Report by Mr.Roderic Bowen,Q.C.,on procedures for the arrest,interrogation and detention of suspected terrorists in Aden;14 November,1966

1 edition

The convention

1 edition

Documents on British foreign policy, 1919-1939. 1st series. Vol.15, International conferences and conversations, 1921

1 edition

Disarmament : the path to peace;prepared by the Foreign Office and issued by Her Majesty's Government

1 edition

International Agreement on the Procedure for the Establishment of Tariffs for Scheduled Air Services, Paris 10 July 1967


1 edition

  • ISBN: 0101374607
  • H.M.S.O
  • 1968
  • Details

Report on the proceedings of the General Assembly of the United Nations held at New York; presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. 22nd session, 19 September to 19 Decemb


1 edition

  • ISBN: 0101374704
  • H.M.S.O
  • 1968
  • Details

Further documents on disarmament : the disarmament negotiations 1967 (in continuation of 'Miscellaneous no.8 (1967), Cmnd. 3346')


1 edition

  • ISBN: 0101376707
  • H.M.S.O
  • 1968
  • Details

Documents on British foreign policy, 1919-1939. Second series. Vol.10, [Far Eastern affairs, March-October 1932]

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0115901833
  • H.M.S.O
  • 1969
  • Details

Law officers'opinions to the Foreign Office, 1793-1860 : a reproduction of the manuscript series with index and commentaries


1 edition

  • ISBN: 0576011010
  • Gregg
  • 1970
  • Details

Law officers' opinions to the Foreign Office, 1793-1860 : a reproduction of the manuscript series with index and commentaries


95 editions

  • ISBN: 0576011029
  • Gregg
  • 1970
  • Details
  • ISBN: 0576011037
  • Gregg
  • 1970
  • Details
  • ISBN: 0576011045
  • Gregg
  • 1970
  • Details
  • ISBN: 0576011053
  • Gregg
  • 1970
  • Details
  • ISBN: 0576011061
  • Gregg
  • 1970
  • Details
  • ISBN: 057601107X
  • Gregg
  • 1970
  • Details
  • ISBN: 0576011088
  • Gregg
  • 1970
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  • ISBN: 0576011096
  • Gregg
  • 1970
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  • ISBN: 057601110X
  • Gregg
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  • ISBN: 0576011118
  • Gregg
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  • ISBN: 0576011126
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  • ISBN: 057601186X
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  • ISBN: 0576011908
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  • ISBN: 0576011924
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  • ISBN: 0576011932
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  • ISBN: 0576011940
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  • 1970
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  • ISBN: 0576011959
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  • 1970
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  • ISBN: 0576012009
  • Gregg
  • 1973
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  • ISBN: 0576012009
  • Gregg
  • 1973
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Documents on British foreign policy, 1919-1939. 1A series

5 editions

  • ISBN: 011591787X
  • H.M.S.O.
  • 1970
  • Details
  • ISBN: 0115917861
  • H.M.S.O
  • 1971
  • Details
  • ISBN: 0115917888
  • H.M.S.O
  • 1973
  • Details
  • ISBN: 0115917896
  • H.M.S.O
  • 1975
  • Details
  • ISBN: 011591790X
  • H.M.S.O
  • 1975
  • Details

Documents in British Foreign policy, 1919-1939. cond series. Vol.11, ♭Far Eastern affairs, October 13, 1932-June 3,1933

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0115901868
  • H.M.S.O
  • 1970
  • Details

Documents on British foreign policy, 1919-1939. First series. Vol.17, [Greece and Turkey, January 1, 1921-September 2, 1922]

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0115915176
  • H.M.S.O
  • 1970
  • Details

The affairs of Kuwait, 1896-1905

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0714626929
  • Cass
  • 1971
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The affairs of Arabia, 1905-1906

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0714626945
  • Cass
  • 1971
  • Details

British case and supporting documents respecting the Bering Sea Seal Fisheries, 1893-94

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0716515040
  • Irish University Press
  • 1971
  • Details

Arbitration tribunal on the Venezuelan boundary - British case, counter case and argument; Venezuelan case and counter case, 1899


1 edition

  • ISBN: 0716517418
  • Irish University Press
  • 1971
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Documents on British foreign policy, 1919-1939. 2nd series

2 editions

  • ISBN: 0115901876
  • H.M.S.O
  • 1972
  • Details
  • ISBN: 0115901884
  • H.M.S.O
  • 1973
  • Details

Documents on British foreign policy, 1919-1939. 1st series

4 editions

  • ISBN: 0115915184
  • H.M.S.O
  • 1972
  • Details
  • ISBN: 0115915524
  • H.M.S.O
  • 1974
  • Details
  • ISBN: 0115915532
  • H.M.S.O
  • 1976
  • Details
  • ISBN: 0115915540
  • H.M.S.O
  • 1978
  • Details

Documents on British foreign policy, 1919-1939. Second series

4 editions

  • ISBN: 0115901892
  • H.M.S.O
  • 1976
  • Details
  • ISBN: 0115901906
  • H.M.S.O
  • 1976
  • Details
  • ISBN: 0115901914
  • H.M.S.O
  • 1977
  • Details
  • ISBN: 0115901922
  • H.M.S.O
  • 1979
  • Details

Documents on British foreign policy, 1919/1939. Second series

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0115901930
  • H.M.S.O
  • 1980
  • Details

Documents on British foreign policy 1919-1939. First series. Vol.22, [Central Europe and the Balkans 1921 Albania 1921-2]

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0115915559
  • H.M.S.O.
  • 1980
  • Details

Documents on British Foreign Policy 1919-1939. First series. Vol.26, [Central Europe and the Balkans 1924 German affairs 1924]

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0115915621
  • H.M.S.O.
  • 1985
  • Details

Foreign Office general correspondence, political 1952 (PO 371/96642-102560)

1 edition

  • List & Index Society
  • 1988
  • Details

Foreign Office general correspondence; political. 1953 (F0371/102561-108094)

1 edition

  • List & Index Society
  • 1989
  • Details

Foreign Office files for Japan and the Far East : a listing and guide to the microform collection. Ser.1, Embassy and consular archives _ Japan (Public Record Office class FO262). Pt.3, Detailed corre


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1857110293
  • A. Matthew
  • 1993
  • Details

Foreign Office files: United States of America. Series 2, Vietnam, 1959-1975 (Public Record Office class FO 371 and FCO 15: South East Asia Department)


1 edition

  • Adam Matthew Publications Ltd
  • 1997
  • Details

Foreign Office files for Japan and the Far East. Ser. 1, Embassy and consular archives _ Japan (Public Record Office class FO 262). Listing and guide to parts 4-6 of the microfilm edition


1 edition

  • ISBN: 185711051X
  • A. Matthew
  • 1997
  • Details

The John F. Kennedy years, 1960-1963 : a listing and guide to the microfilm collection


1 edition

  • ISBN: 185711096X
  • Adam Matthew
  • 1997
  • Details

Foreign Office files for Japan and the Far East. Series two, British Foreign Office files for post-war Japan, 1952-1980 (Public Record Office class FO 371 & FCO 21) : a listing and guide to the microf


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781857113044
  • Adam Matthew
  • 1998
  • Details

Political diaries of the Arab world : Iraq


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1852078650
  • Archive Editions
  • 1998
  • Details

Foreign Office files: United States of America. Series 1, USA - politics & diplomacy, 1960-1974 (Public Record Office class FO 371: American Department - United States and FCO files from 1967 onwards)


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1857111648
  • Adam Matthew
  • 1999
  • Details is a Good Stuff website.