Harry S. Truman
7 published titles
Address by Harry S.Truman, President of the United States, on "Some aspects of the foreign policy of the United States", at the meeting of the American Society of Newspaper Editors, in Washington, D.C
1 edition
- United States Information Service
- 1950
- Details
Mr.President : personal diaries, private letters, papers, and revealing interviews of Harry S.Truman, thirty-second President of the United States of America
1 edition
Memoirs. Vol.1, Year of decisions, 1945
1 edition
Memoirs. Vol.2, Years of trial and hope, 1946-1953
1 edition
Plain speaking : an oral biography of Harry S. Truman
1 edition
- ISBN: 0575018410
- Gollancz
- 1974
- Details