
Highland (Scotland). Council

69 published titles

The Highland Council : draft scheme of decentralisation

1 edition

The Highland Council : statement of strategic goals and values

1 edition

Decentralisation scheme

1 edition

Lochaber local plan = Plana ionadail Lochabar. Written statement, consultative draft

1 edition

Lochaber local plan. Proposals map, consultative draft

1 edition

Structure plan general development control policies. Appendix 1

2 editions

"The effects of rurality and sparsity on the costs of delivering local services"


1 edition

  • University of Strathclyde
  • 1996
  • Details

Skye and Lochalsh local plan = Plana Ionadail an Eilein Sgiatheanaich agus Lochaillse. Written statement, consultative draft

1 edition

Skye and Lochalsh local plan. Proposals map, consultative draft

1 edition

The Highland Council : draft scheme for the establishment of community councils ; Model constitution

1 edition

A good practice guide : "for closer working between the Highland Council and community councils."


1 edition

Lochaber local plan. Proposals map, adopted February 1999

1 edition

Guide to the Highland Council Archive

1 edition

Childcare services for rural families


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1901589056
  • Children in Scotland
  • 1997
  • Details

Strathdearn, Strathnairn, and Loch Ness East local plan. Written statement

1 edition

Strathdearn, Strathnairn, and Loch Ness East local plan. Proposals map

1 edition

Badenoch and Strathspey local plan. Adopted plan

1 edition

Badenoch and Strathspey local plan. [Proposals map]

1 edition

The Highland Council Gaelic development strategy = Comhairle na Gaidhealtachd roi-innleachd leasachaidh Gaidhlig

1 edition

"Local authority current expenditure in England, Scotland and Wales : observations on the LACE study"


1 edition

Business questionnaire backs campaign to win back Heathrow slots

1 edition

Looking ahead for the Highlands : a discussion paper for the Highland Council

1 edition

Comhairle na Gaidhealtachd roi-innleachd leasachaidh Gaidhlig = The Highland Council Gaelic development strategy

1 edition

In the footsteps of early man : an introduction to the archaeology of Skye & Lochalsh


1 edition

Roads and transport services : interim local transport strategy

1 edition

Home energy conservation strategy 1998-2008

1 edition

Skye and Lochalsh local plan = Plana ionadail an eilein Sgiatheanaich agus Lochaillse

1 edition

  • Highland Council, Planning & Development Service
  • 1999
  • Details

Lochaber local plan = Plana ionadail Lochabar. [Written statement, adopted plan, February 1999]

1 edition

Skye and Lochalsh local plan. Proposals map

1 edition

The Highland structure plan : written statement

1 edition

  • Planning and Development Service, Highland Council
  • 1999
  • Details

Local plans general policies. Annex

2 editions

  • Highland Council, Planning & Development Service
  • 1999
  • Details
  • Highland Council, Planning & Development Service
  • 2000
  • Details

Community learning strategy : Highland, 2000/2001


1 edition

South & East Sutherland local plan. Proposals map

1 edition

  • Planning & Development Service, The Highland Council
  • 2000
  • Details

South & East Sutherland local plan. Written statement

1 edition

  • Planning & Development Service, The Highland Council
  • 2000
  • Details

Nairnshire local plan. Written statement

1 edition

  • Planning & Development Service, The Highland Council
  • 2000
  • Details

Nevis strategy : summary of the strategy for environmental & visitor management in the Nevis area


1 edition

Trail map : with introduction & site notes


1 edition

Strathnaver : an introduction & guide


1 edition

  • ISBN: 0948026103
  • Highland Council
  • 2003
  • Details

Explore archaeology in rural Inverness : investigating sites around the Inverness, Loch Ness, Beauly and Culloden areas


1 edition

InfoInverness : the city in the Highlands


1 edition

Biodiversity : do a little - change a lot in Inverness & Nairn


1 edition

The Wester Ross biodiversity action plan


1 edition

  • The Highland Council
  • 2004
  • Details

Living Lochaber : the Lochaber biodiversity action plan


1 edition

  • The Highland Council
  • 2004
  • Details

Biodiversity : do a little - change a lot : the Inverness & Nairn biodiversity action plan


1 edition

Cromarty Townlands Barn & south of High Street. Draft development / design brief

1 edition

  • Planning & Development Service, The Highland Council
  • 2005
  • Details

A' Gha��idhealtachd = The Highlands : a great place to live, work and play = math airson fuireach, obair is cluich


1 edition

  • The Highland Council
  • 2005
  • Details

Sandilands, Cromarty : development/design brief, February 2006


1 edition

Skye and Lochalsh local plan : main issues report

1 edition

Lochaber futures : Lochaber local plan : consultation document : March 2006


1 edition

Sutherland futures : vision & strategy : Sutherland local plan : consultation document : October 2006


1 edition

Plana Gàidhlig, 2007-2011

1 edition

Environmental impact assessment practical guidelines toolkit for marine fish farming


1 edition

Interpreting Gaelic to non-speakers at the Highland Folk Museum : a consultancy report


1 edition

Croft record book


1 edition

  • Scottish Crofting Foundation
  • 2008
  • Details

The Cromarty fisherfolk dialect = Dualchainnt iasgairean Chromhaidh


1 edition

The Highland Development Plan Scheme 2010 = Sgeama Plana Leasachaidh na Gàidhealtachd 2010


1 edition

  • Highland Council = Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd
  • 2010
  • Details

Swings and roundabouts : the highs and lows of a community association


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9780948026553
  • Highland Council on behalf of Ormlie Community Association
  • 2010
  • Details

Highland wide local development plan : proposed plan - September 2010 = Am plana leasachaidh air feadh na Gàidhealtachd : plana a thathar a' moladh - An t-Sultain 2010

1 edition

  • Highland Council = Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd
  • 2010
  • Details

Draft siting and design guidance : September 2010

1 edition

Green networks : draft supplementary guidance = Lìonraidhean uaine : dreachd stiùiridhean a bharrachd


1 edition

  • Highland Council = Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd
  • 2010
  • Details

Supplementary guidance : managing waste in new developments = A' stiùireadh sgudal ann an leasachaidhean ùra


1 edition

  • Highland Council = Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd
  • 2010
  • Details

Draft supplementary guidance : housing in the countryside = Taigheadas air an dùthaich


1 edition

  • Highland Council = Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd
  • 2010
  • Details

Wild coastal trail : a guide to the best land-based places to watch sealife in the Highlands = Slighe cladaich fhiadhaich : lùl do na h-àiteachan as fheàrr air tìr gus beatha-mara fhaicinn sa Ghàidhea


1 edition

End of life care and planning for children and young people with life-limiting conditions


1 edition

Highland joint community care plan = Plana co-chùram coimhearsnachd na Gàidhealtachd


1 edition

  • Highland Community Care Partnership
  • 2010
  • Details

Highland wide local development plan : April 2012 = Am plana leasachaidh air feadh na Gàidhealtachd : an Giblean 2012

1 edition

  • Highland Council = Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd
  • 2012
  • Details

Pilot Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters marine spatial plan : the plan scheme 2012


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781782562368
  • Scottish Government
  • 2012
  • Details

Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd plana Gàidhlig, 2012-2016 = The Highland Council Gaelic language plan, 2012-2016

1 edition

  • Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd
  • 2012
  • Details

A little borderless village


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1874253072
  • Highland Council
  • Details is a Good Stuff website.