
University of Glasgow. Department of Economics

111 published titles

Insurance spirals and the Lloyd's market


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1997
  • Details

Assessing the effects of structural adjustment programmes on export performance in developing countries


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1997
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Adam Smith : the philosopher (and the porter)


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1998
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Modelling stock market excess returns by Markov modulated Gaussian noise


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1998
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The interaction between business cycles and productivity growth : evidence from US industrial data


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1998
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Fiscal policy and the composition of private consumption : some evidence from the U.S. and Canada


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1998
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The state of industry in Sub-Saharan African countries undertaking structural adjustment programmes


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1998
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Inflation contracts and inflation targets under uncertainty : why we might need conservative central bankers


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1998
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Science, diminishing returns and long waves


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1998
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Risky business : intra-firm trade with foreign commercial risk and asymmetric insurance


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1998
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Economic geography and the fiscal effects of regional integration


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1998
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Growth and output fluctuations


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1998
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Height cycles in the 18th and 19th centuries


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1998
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A note on the Baxter-King filter


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1998
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Does conservatism matter? : a time series approach to central banking


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1998
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The economic growth of serious and less serious reformers : a look at structural adjustment programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1998
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Integrating environmental impact assessment and economic appraisal in project planning


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1998
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Capital accumulation and unemployment : a tale of two "continents"


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1998
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Endogenous growth without scale effects : comment


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1998
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Real wages and the structure of imports : theory and evidence


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1998
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Stochastic variety innovation in a growth model


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1998
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Political uncertainty, public expenditure and growth


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1998
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Institutional change, inflation targeting and the stability of interest rate reaction functions


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1998
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International competition for multinational investment


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1998
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"Hot markets", conditional volatility, and foreign exchange


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1999
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Further observations on the political business cycle in German monetary aggregates


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1999
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Endogenous vs. semi-endogenous growth in a two-R&D-sector model


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1999
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Moral hazard and guarantee arrangements : a case study of Lloyd's


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1999
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Are there classical business cycles?


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1999
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Can risk aversion explain the demand for dividends?


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1999
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The implementation of policy conditions in structural adjustment programmes : the case of Sub-Saharan African countries


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1999
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Rivalry in uncertain export markets : commitment versus flexibility


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1999
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Fighting over uncertain demand : capital commitment versus flexibility


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1999
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More international evidence on the historical properties of business cycles


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1999
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Competitive tendering in the Scottish National Health Service : was it compulsory, and did it make a difference?


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1999
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Comparative advantage and the location of production


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1999
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On the cyclicality and stability of real earnings


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1999
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Real business cycles or sticky prices? : the impact of technology shocks on US manufacturing


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1999
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Measures of political instability in multiparty governments : a new data set with econometric applications


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1999
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Does institutional change really matter? : inflation targets, central bank reform and interest rate policy in the OECD countries


1 edition

  • Dept. of Economics, University of Glasgow
  • 1999
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A note on testing for tax-smoothing in general equilibrium


1 edition

  • Dept. of Economics, University of Glasgow
  • 1999
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Low wages or skilled labour? : prospects for foreign direct investment in developing countries


1 edition

  • Dept. of Economics, University of Glasgow
  • 1999
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Testing for tax smoothing in a general equilibrium model of growth


1 edition

  • Dept. of Economics, University of Glasgow
  • 1999
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Purchasing power parity and real exchange rates : do productivity trends and fiscal policy matter?


1 edition

  • Dept. of Economics, University of Glasgow
  • 1999
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Economic growth and endogenous fiscal policy : in search of a data consistent general equilibrium model


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 1999
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Rational investment behavior and seasonality in early modern grain prices


1 edition

  • Dept. of Economics, University of Glasgow
  • 2000
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Adam Smith : an historical perspective on the Wealth of nations


1 edition

  • Dept. of Economics, University of Glasgow
  • 2000
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Cabinet formation in coalition systems


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2000
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Adam Smith on the mercantile system : the unnecessary loss of America


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2000
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E H Chamberlin : oligopoly, and oligopolistic interdependence : the issue of space


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2000
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On policy implications of endogenous technological progress


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2000
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Growth and scale effects : the role of knowledge spillovers


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2000
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Did monetary forces cause the Great Depression? : a Bayesian VAR analysis for the U.S. economy


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2000
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Monetary policy on the road to EMU : the dominance of external constraints on domestic objectives


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2000
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Wages, work intensity and unemployment in Japan, UK and USA


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2000
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Central bank goals, institutional change and monetary policy : evidence from the US and UK


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2000
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Modelling recreation demand using choice experiments : climbing in Scotland


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2000
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Rationing an open-access resource : mountaineering in Scotland


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2000
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Evaluating alternative "countermeasures" against food contamination resulting from nuclear accidents


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2000
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Do excessive wage increases raise imports? : theory and evidence


1 edition

  • Dept. of Economics, University of Glasgow
  • 2000
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Monopolistic competition, efficiency wages and perverse effects of demand shock


1 edition

  • Dept. of Economics, University of Glasgow
  • 2000
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Stevenson lectures in citizenship


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2001
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Real exchange rates in the long run : evidence from historical data


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2001
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Risk perceptions, risk-reducing behaviour and willingness to pay : radioactive contamination in food following a nuclear accident


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2001
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What determines the demand for programmes providing local environmental public goods?


1 edition

  • Department of Economics, University of Glasgow
  • 2001
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Contingent valuation and real referendum behaviour


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2001
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What determines the demand for programmes providing local environmental public goods


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2001
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The empirical relevance of a basic sticky-price intertemporal model


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2001
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Using conjoint analysis to quantify public preferences over the environment impacts of wind farms


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. ofEconomics
  • 2001
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An empirical investigation of the factors which increase the likelihood of reforms in World Bank programme countries


1 edition

  • Dept. of Economics, University of Glasgow
  • 2001
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Wage inequality and the effort incentive effects of technological progress


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2001
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Compatibility between monetary and fiscal policy under EMU


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2001
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Regional tax coordination and foreign direct investment


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2001
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Unemployment and the productivity slowdown : a labour supply perspective


2 editions

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2001
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  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2001
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Estimated general equilibrium models for the evaluation of monetary policy in the US and Europe


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2001
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Agenda formation in issue-by-issue bargaining games


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2001
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Human development and regional disparities in Iran : a policy model


1 edition

  • Dept. of Economics, University of Glasgow
  • 2001
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ARCH in the G7 equity markets : a speculative explanation


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2001
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Real wages and the cycle : the view from the frequency domain


1 edition

  • Dept. of Economics, University of Glasgow
  • 2001
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A method to estimate the magnitude of "hypothetical bias" in stated preference surveys of passive-use values


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2002
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Calibration of stated willingness to pay for public goods with voting and tax liability data : provision of landscape amenities in Switzerland


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2002
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Efficiency wages, unemployment and macroeconomic policy


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2002
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Do central banks have precautionary demands for expansion and for price stability? : theory and evidence


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2002
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Dynamic accumulation in bargaining games


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2002
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Trade and competition policy : anti-dumping versus anti-trust


2 editions

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2002
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  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2002
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Wages, productivity, and work intensity in the Great Depression


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2002
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Estimated open economy new Keynesian Phillips curves for the G7


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2002
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What's it worth : exploring value uncertainty using interval questions in contingent valuation


1 edition

  • Dept. of Economics, University of Glasgow
  • 2002
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Valuing the benefits of coastal water quality improvements using contingent and real behaviour


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2002
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Interactions between monetary and fiscal policy under flexible exchange rates


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2002
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Fiscal federalism and fiscal autonomy : lessons for the UK from other industrialised countries


1 edition

  • Dept. of Economics, University of Glasgow
  • 2002
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Antidumping : what are the numbers?


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2002
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Taylor rules in the open economy


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2002
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Monetary and fiscal policy interactions over the cycle : some empirical evidence


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2002
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The life-cycle-permanent-income-model : a reinterpretation and supporting evidence


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2002
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Regional integration and migration : an economic geography model with heterogeneous labour force


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2002
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The life-cycle-permanent-income model : a reinterpretation and supporting evidence


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Department of Economics
  • 2002
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Manufacturing earnings and cycles : new evidence


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2003
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Currency boards and Chinese banking development in pre-World War II Southeast Asia : Malaya and the Phillipines


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2003
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Settlement versus litigation in environmental damage cases


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2003
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Linking current and future negotiations


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2003
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Central bank instruments, fiscal policy regimes, and the requirements for equilibrium determinacy


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2003
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A sectorial analysis of price-setting behavior in US manufacturing industries


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2003
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Finance and development in Southeast Asia before World War II


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2003
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Identifying monetary policy shocks with changes in open market operations


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2003
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Assessing money supply rules


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2003
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Human development and regional disparities in India


1 edition

  • Dept. of Economics, University of Glasgow
  • 2003
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The impact of river flow restrictions on instruments to control nonpoint nitrate pollution


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2003
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Augmented sustainability measures for Scotland


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2003
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On the equivalence of money growth and interest rate policy


1 edition

  • University of Glasgow, Dept. of Economics
  • 2003
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Negative rebound and disinvestment effects in response to an improvement in energy efficiency in the UK economy


1 edition

  • Dept. of Economics, University of Glasgow
  • 2009
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