
Ireland. Law Reform Commission

149 published titles

The Rule against hearsay


1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1980
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Hague Convention on the service abroad of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters (1965)

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1987
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Report on the Statute of Limitations : claims in respect of latent personal injuries


1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1987
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Report on debt collection


1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1988
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Rape and allied offences


1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1988
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Report on debt collection. 2, Retention of title


1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1989
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Report on the recognition of foreign adoption decrees

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1989
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Consultation paper on child sexual abuse


1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1989
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Report on land law and conveyancing law. 2, Enduring powers of attorney

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1989
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Report on oaths and affirmations


1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1990
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Report on sexual offences against the mentally handicapped

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1990
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Report on child sexual abuse

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1990
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Consultation paper on contempt of court

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1991
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Report on the confiscation of the proceeds of crime

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1991
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Report on the Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Succession to the Estates of Deceased Persons(1989)

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1991
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Consultation paper on the crime of libel


1 edition

  • The Law Reform Commission
  • 1991
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Report on the law relating to dishonesty

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1992
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Report on land law and conveyancing law : (5) further general proposals

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1992
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Consultation paper on sentencing

2 editions

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1993
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  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1993
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Report on non_fatal offences against the person

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1994
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Consulatation paper on family courts

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1994
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Report on occupier's liability

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1994
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Consultation paper on family courts

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1994
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Report on occupiers' liability

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1994
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Report on non-fatal offences against the person

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1994
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Interests of vendor and purchaser in land during the period between contract and completion

2 editions

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1995
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  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1995
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Report on the Hague Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents


2 editions

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1995
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  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1995
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Report on intoxication

2 editions

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1995
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  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1995
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Consultation paper on intoxication as a defence to a criminal offence

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1995
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Report on sentencing

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1996
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Report on personal injuries : periodic payments and structured settlements

2 editions

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1996
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  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1996
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Consultation paper on the Unidroit convention on the international return of stolen or illegally exported cultural objects

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1996
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Consultation paper on privacy : surveillance and the interception of communications

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1996
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Report on family courts

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1996
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Report on the Unidroit Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1997
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Consultation paper on the implementation of the Hague convention on protection of children and co-operation in respect of intercountry adoption, 1993

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1997
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Report on privacy : surveillance and the interception of communications

2 editions

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1998
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  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1998
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Report on the implementation of the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, 1993

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1998
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Report on land law and conveyancing law : (6) further general proposals including the execution of deeds

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1998
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Consultation paper on aggravated, exemplary and restitutionary damages

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1998
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Consultation paper on the statutes of limitation : claims in contract and tort in respect of latent damage (other than personal injury)

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1998
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Consultation paper on statutory drafting and interpretation : plain language and the law

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1999
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Report on gazumping

2 editions

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1999
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  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1999
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Consultation paper on section 2 of the Civil Liability (Amendment) Act, 1964 : the deductability of collateral benefits from awards of damages

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 1999
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Report on the variation of trusts

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2000
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Report on the rule against perpetuities and cognate rules

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2000
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Consultation paper on the law of limitation of actions arising from non-sexual abuse of children

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2000
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Report on aggravated, exemplary and restitutionary damages

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2000
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Report on statutory drafting and interpretation : plain language and the law

2 editions

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2000
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  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2000
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Second programme for examination of certain branches of the law with a view to their reform : 2000 - 2007

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2000
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Report on the statutes of limitations : claims in contract and tort in respect of latent damage (other than personal injury)

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2001
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Consultation paper on homicide : the mental element in murder

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2001
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Consultation paper on penalties for minor offences

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2002
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Consultation paper on prosecution appeals in cases brought on indictment

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2002
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Report on title by adverse possession of land

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2002
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Report on the indexation of fines : a review of developments

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2002
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Report on the acquisition of easements and profits à prendre by prescription

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2002
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Report on Section 2 of the Civil Liability (Amendment) Act, 1964 : the deductibility of collateral benefits from awards of damages

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2002
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Report on land law and conveyancing law

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2003
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Consultation paper on public enquiries including tribunals of inquiry

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2003
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Consultation paper on business tenancies

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2003
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Consultation paper on judicial review procedure

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2003
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Report on penalties for minor offences

2 editions

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2003
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  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2003
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Consultation paper on law and the elderly

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2003
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Consultation paper on multi-party litigation (class actions)

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2003
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Consultation paper on a fiscal prosecutor and a revenue court

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2003
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Consultation paper on corporate killing

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2003
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Consultation paper on homicide : the plea of provocation

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2003
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Consultation paper on general law of landlord and tenant

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2003
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Report on judicial review procedure

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2004
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Consultation paper on judgment mortgages

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2004
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Consultation paper on the court poor box

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2004
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Consultation paper on the establishment of a DNA database

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2004
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Consultation paper on rights and duties of cohabitees

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2004
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Consultation paper on prosecution appeals from unduly lenient sentences in the district court

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2004
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Consultation paper on reform and modernisation of land law and conveyancing law

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2004
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Report on a fiscal prosecutor and a revenue court

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2004
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Consultation paper on charitable trust law : general proposals

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2005
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Consultation paper on trust law : general proposals

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2005
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Report on public inquiries including tribunals of inquiry

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2005
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Consultation paper on vulnerable adults and the law : capacity

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2005
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Report on reform and modernisation of land law and conveyancing law

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2005
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Report, The court poor box : probation of offenders

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2005
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Report : multi-party litigation

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2005
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Consultation paper legal structures for charities

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2005
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Report on corporate killing

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2005
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Report : the establishment of a DNA database

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2005
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eConveyancing : modelling of the Irish conveyancing system


1 edition

  • The Law Reform Commission
  • 2006
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Consultation paper duress and necessity

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2006
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Report : charitable trusts and legal structures for charities

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2006
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Consultation paper : privity of contract : third party rights

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2006
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Consultation paper : multi-unit developments

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2006
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Consultation paper : legitimate defence

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2006
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Report : vulnerable adults and the law

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2006
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Report : prosecution appeals and pre-trial hearings

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2006
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Report : rights and duties of cohabitants

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2006
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Consultation paper aspects of intercountry adoption law

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2007
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Consultation paper Involuntary manslaughter

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2007
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Statute law restatement

2 editions

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2007
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  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2008
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Consolidation and reform of the Courts Acts

2 editions

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2007
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  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2010
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Spent convictions

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2007
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Report: third programme of law reform 2008-2014


1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2007
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Third programme of law reform 2008-2014

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2007
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The law of landlord and tenant

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2007
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Civil liability of Good Samaritans and volunteers

2 editions

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2007
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  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2009
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Privity of contract and third party rights : report

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2008
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Homicide : murder and involuntary manslaughter

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2008
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Privity of contract and third party rights

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2008
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Aspects of intercountry adoption law

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2008
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Inchoate offences

2 editions

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2008
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  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2010
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Multi-unit developments

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2008
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Legislation directory : towards a best practice model

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2008
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Alternative dispute resolution

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2008
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Bioethics : advance care directives

2 editions

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2008
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  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2009
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Trust law : general proposals

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2008
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Expert evidence

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2008
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Legal aspects of carers : consultation paper

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2009
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Limitation of actions : consultation paper

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2009
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Defences in criminal law : report

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2009
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Search warrants and bench warrants

2 editions

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2009
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Defences in criminal law

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2009
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Bioethics: advance care directives

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2009
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Consultation paper : children and the law : medical treatment

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2009
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Consultation paper : legal aspects of family relationships

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2009
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Consultation paper : documentary and electronic evidence

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2009
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Consultation paper : Personal debt management and debt enforcement

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2009
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Interim report : Personal debt management and debt enforcement

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2010
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Report, Personal debt management and debt enforcement

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2010
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Legal aspects of family relationships

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2010
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Legislation directory

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2010
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Classified list of legislation in Ireland

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2010
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Alternative dispute resolution : mediation and conciliation

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2010
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Children and the law : medical treatment : report

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2011
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Human resources in the recession : managing and representing people at work in Ireland


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781406425871
  • Stationery Office
  • 2011
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Sexual offences and capacity to consent : consultation paper


1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2011
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Limitation of actions : report

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2011
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Civil law aspects of missing persons : consultation paper

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2011
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Insurance contracts : consultation paper

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2011
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Mandatory sentences : consultation paper

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2011
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Legal aspects of professional home care

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2011
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Civil law aspects of missing persons : report

2 editions

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2013
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Jury service : report

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2013
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Mandatory sentences : report

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2013
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Sexual offences and capacity to consent : report

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2013
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Aspects of domestic abuse : report

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2013
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Fourth programme of law reform : report

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2013
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Disclosure and discovery in criminal cases

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2014
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Consumer insurance contracts : report

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2015
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Prevention of benefit from homicide : report

1 edition

  • Law Reform Commission
  • 2015
  • Details is a Good Stuff website.