
Scottish Association for Public Transport

79 published titles

The Far North Line : a plan for the future

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0902301039
  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1972
  • Details

The finance and organisation of transport : proposals for reforms

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0902301047
  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1972
  • Details

The case for a Scottish railway electrification programme

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0902301063
  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1973
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Public transport, the options for Edinburgh

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0902301071
  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1973
  • Details

Communications to the Moray Firth - expenditure priorities, 1974-79

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0902301098
  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1973
  • Details

Transport & environment : a better Glasgow: a statement


1 edition

  • ISBN: 090230108X
  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1974
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Transport policy in Scotland, 1974-1980 : a submission to Government

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0902301101
  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1974
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Local transport in Scotland : future patterns and organisation

1 edition

  • ISBN: 090230111X
  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1974
  • Details

Submission to the Lothian Region : transport policies and programme

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0902301128
  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1975
  • Details

Scottish transport policy : a statement of principles

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0902301136
  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1975
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Submission to the Tayside and Fife Regions : transport policies and programmes

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0902301144
  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1975
  • Details

Strathclyde's transport to-morrow : a submission to the Strathclyde region

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0902301152
  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1975
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Scotland's transport tomorrow : a programme, 1975-2000

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0950431303
  • Transport 2000
  • 1975
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The review of transport policy : a submission to government

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0902301160
  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1976
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Transport costs and charges with special reference to passenger fares

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0902301179
  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1976
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The Green Paper on transport policy : a critical review

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0902301187
  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1976
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The Stranraer-Dumfries railway : a case for reopening

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1977
  • Details

Development of British Rail short-distance passenger services in the Edinburgh area of the Lothian Region

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1977
  • Details

Energy for future transport


2 editions

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1978
  • Details
  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1978
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West Highland transport : future options

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1978
  • Details

Beyond Clyderail : a submission to Strathclyde Regional Council and the Scottish Development Department on the occasion of the 'Transport and Energy' Conference in the Renfield Church Centre, Bath Str

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1978
  • Details

The case for a Tulloch-Newtonmore rail link : a submission to the Scottish Office and the Highlands and Islands Development Board

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1978
  • Details

Scottish transport : a new era, policies and programmes 1980-2000

3 editions

Priorities in transport research

1 edition

Ticket to ride : a handbook of public transport in Scotland

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1979
  • Details

Scottish transport : a new era : outline proposals for 1980-2000

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1979
  • Details

What is light rapid transport?

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1979
  • Details

Strathclyde : transport policies for the 1980s : a comment on the 1980-85 TPP

1 edition

Ring road or rapid transit? : the case against the east flank of the Glasgow inner ring road

1 edition

Scottish transport in the 1980's : policy options

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1980
  • Details

Transport organisation, the Scottish Office and Westminster : a discussion paper


1 edition

Transport to the Scottish islands

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1980
  • Details

Fares please? : urban public transport - how to ease the 'mobility gap'


1 edition

  • ISBN: 090706700X
  • Scottish Consumer Council
  • 1981
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Rail electrification and transport financing : a Scottish strategy


1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1981
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Making Glasgow miles better


1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1987
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Transport strategies for a green economy : the Scottish dimension : transport policies and programmes for the 1990s

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1990
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Travelling and the environment : a strategy for Strathclyde


1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1992
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Getting Scottish transport on the right lines : towards fair financing and regional responsibility : a discussion pape r


1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1992
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Reshaping Scottish transport : action within EC and UK frameworks


1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1993
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A Brighter future for buses : SAPT's response to the Department of Transport's consultation paper on local bus services outside London


1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1993
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Capital city and capital region : transport futures : a response to the draft Lothian structure plan


1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1993
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Paying for transport : a response to the discussion document 'Paying for better motorways' issued jointly by the Department of Transport and the Scottish and Welsh Offices in May, 1993

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1993
  • Details

A Framework for sustainable transport : the Scottish case : a submission to the Scottish Office and the Department of Transport on the current review of transport policies and programmes in Scotland


1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1994
  • Details

The way forward for Edinburgh : the next five years : transport, the economy and the environment


1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1994
  • Details

Scottish local government reorganisation : towards sustainable structures for transport and land uses : responses to Scottish Office consultation papers on Strathclyde PTA and on other transport and p


1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1995
  • Details

Strathclyde transport : strategies for a new century : a submission to Strathclyde Passenger Transport


1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1996
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Edinburgh - Glasgow corridor study : the next steps : a discussion paper

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1997
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Road and rail route action plans for Scotland

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1998
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Transport and health : a response to Working together for a healthier Scotland : the Scottish Office consultation paper on a health strategy for Scotland

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Health
  • 1998
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Less traffic : better access : a response to the draft Scottish Office circular on implementation of the Road Traffic Reduction Act 1997

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1998
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Access and social inclusion : a response to the Scottish Office consultation paper on social exclusion

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1998
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Appraisal of trunk road investment : SAPT response to Scottish Office consultation paper

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1998
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Transport and planning

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1998
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Comments on UK climate change consultation paper

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1999
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Comments on 'Sustainability counts' : consultation paper on 'headline' indicators of sustainable development

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1999
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Tackling congestion now : a response to the Scottish Executive consultation paper, 'Tackling congestion'

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1999
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Surface access to airports : a submission to the Scottish airports and air services study in the context of the UK and Scottish integrated transport white papers and the planned white paper on airport

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1999
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Transport under the Scottish Parliament : a response to government consultation papers

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1999
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Getting there : sustainable transport for West Central Scotland

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 1999
  • Details

Transport financing and the Scottish Parliament : a response to the Scottish Executive's consultation paper on spending plans for Scotland, 2000-2001 to 2001-2002

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 2000
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The future of air passenger duty (APD)

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 2000
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Integrated transport for Scotland

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 2000
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Developing Scotland's rail network

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 2000
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Climate change and Scottish transport : a response to the UK and Scottish consultation papers on the draft climate change programme

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 2000
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Tram and light rail prospects in Scotland

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 2000
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On track for road traffic reduction

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 2000
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Increasing the momentum : proposed amendments to the Transport (Scotland) Bill and related issues

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 2000
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Scottish transport 2010

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 2000
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Fares, fuel and fairness : options for pricing & fiscal policy

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 2000
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Delivering integrated Scottish transport

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 2001
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Response to consultation on Caledonian MacBrayne ferry fares and charges

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 2001
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ScotRail Interlink 2010 : strategic development of Scotland's passenger railway

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 2001
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Air travel and Scotland : a response to the DETR consultation on the future of air travel

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 2001
  • Details

ClydeMetro : rail and light rail opportunities for greater Glasgow, 2001-16

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 2001
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Response to consultation on Bus Users Complaints Tribunal (BUCT)

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 2002
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Light at the end of the tunnel? : rail delivery for Scotland

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 2002
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Sustainable transport for Edinburgh and Lothians : a comment on the Draft structure plan, 2000-2015

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 2002
  • Details

Transport track and user charges : a comment on the consultations by the Office for Rail Regulation (ORR) and the Strategic Rail Authority (SRA) on the review of Rail Track access charges and fare str

1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 2002
  • Details

50 years of Scottish transport campaigns from Beeching to high speed rail : the Scottish Association for Public Transport, 1962-2012


1 edition

  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • 2012
  • Details is a Good Stuff website.