
Tahir Ahmad

69 published titles

From Rabwah to Tel Aviv?

1 edition

L'Ahmadiyyat et la philosophie du renouveau de la religion

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0855250852
  • Al Shirkah Al-Islamiyyah
  • 1986
  • Details

Quelques traits caractéristiques de l'Islam

1 edition

  • Additional Nazarat Isha'at
  • 1986
  • Details

Kilka Zhacza̢cgch cech Islamu : przemówienie wygłoszone przez Hazrata Mirze̢ Tahir Ahmada, IV Kalifa w Canberze, Australia

1 edition

  • Nazarat Ishaʾat & Vakalat Tasneef
  • 1986
  • Details

Distinctive features of Islam

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0855250623
  • Islam International
  • 1987
  • Details

Philosophy of revival of religion

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0855250720
  • Islam International Publications
  • 1987
  • Details

The Holy Quran with English translation and commentary


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853720453
  • Islam International
  • 1988
  • Details

Disa tipare dalluese te Islamizmit

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853721220
  • Islam International
  • 1988
  • Details

Murder in the name of Allah

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0718827791
  • Lutterworth
  • 1989
  • Details

Ḥaqi̅qat 'uqu̅bat al-riddah fi̅ al-Isla̅m

1 edition

  • al-Sharikah al-Isla̅mi̅yah
  • 1990
  • Details

Azmat al-Khalīj wa-masʾūlīyat al-ʿālam al-Islāmī

1 edition

  • al-Sharikah al-Islāmīyah
  • 1990
  • Details

Türkc̡e meâli ile Kurʾân-ı kerîm


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853723436
  • Islam International
  • 1990
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Ībne Marīyamanī vaphāta

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853723029
  • Islam International Publications
  • 1990
  • Details

al-Qatl bism al-Di̅n

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853723924
  • Al Shirkatul Islamiyyah Islamabad
  • 1990
  • Details

Suçlamalar ve arka plani

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853723533
  • Islam International
  • 1990
  • Details

Ressurgimento da religiao

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853723622
  • Islam International
  • 1990
  • Details

Dini dirchălishin fălsăfăsi

1 edition

  • ISBN: 185372369X
  • Islam International Publications
  • 1990
  • Details

Islamyn chălb edichi khususii̐i̐at̆lări

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853723703
  • Islam International Publications
  • 1990
  • Details

Vozrozhdenie very : obrashchenie Khazrata Mirzy Takhira Akhmada, nos i a shchego titul Khalifatul Masikh IV, propovedannoe v Sidnee, Avstrali i a

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853723711
  • Islam International
  • 1990
  • Details

Otlichitelʹnye cherty Islama : obrashchenie Hazrata Mirzy Takhira Akhmada, nosi ashchego titul Khalifatul Masikh IV

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853723800
  • Islam International
  • 1990
  • Details

al-Qatl bi-ism al-di̅n

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853723924
  • Al Shirkatul Islamiyyah Islamabad
  • 1990
  • Details

Vŭ ·zra u̇dane na religi i a ta

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853724408
  • Islam International
  • 1990
  • Details

Narodam SSSR c l i ubovʹi u : poslanie glavy Ahmadiískogo Dvizheni i a v Islame Mirzy Takhira Akhmada

1 edition

Karetha al-khalij wa al-nezam al alami al jadid

1 edition

  • ISBN: 185372467X
  • Al Shirkatul Islamiyyah
  • 1991
  • Details

Tarih gerçekleri işiğinda İngiliz fidani

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853724076
  • Islam International
  • 1991
  • Details

Ubi i stvo vo im i a Allakha?

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853724114
  • Islam International
  • 1991
  • Details

Mauaji kwa jina la Allah

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853724181
  • Islam International
  • 1991
  • Details

Caracteristicas que distinguem o Islam

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853724238
  • Islam International Publications
  • 1991
  • Details

Ni︠a︡koi otlichitelni cherti na isli︠a︡ma

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853724580
  • Islam International
  • 1991
  • Details

Islam's response to contemporary issues

3 editions

  • ISBN: 185372498X
  • Islam International Publications
  • 1992
  • Details
  • ISBN: 185372498X
  • Islam International
  • 1992
  • Details
  • ISBN: 9781853728884
  • Islam International Publications
  • 2007
  • Details

Din adına kan

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853724831
  • Islam International Publications
  • 1992
  • Details

Shariah, relationship between religion and politics in Islam : a speech : at the Inter-religious Consults, Suriname, on 3rd June 1991

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853724785
  • Islam International
  • 1992
  • Details

Vozzbanie k pomoshnikam

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853724882
  • Islam International
  • 1992
  • Details

The seal of prophets : his personality and character

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853725048
  • Islam International Publications
  • 1992
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With love to the Chinese Brothers : (a message from the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam)

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853722839
  • Islam International
  • 1993
  • Details

The Gulf crisis & the new world order

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853725064
  • Islam International Publications
  • 1993
  • Details

Absolute justice, kindness and kinship : the three creative principles


2 editions

  • ISBN: 1853725676
  • Islam International
  • 1996
  • Details
  • ISBN: 1853725676
  • Islam International Publications
  • 1996
  • Details

Den Hellige Qur'ânen : arabisk tekst med norsk oversettelse


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853725986
  • Islam International
  • 1996
  • Details

An elementary study of Islam

2 editions

  • ISBN: 1853725625
  • Islam International Publications
  • 1997
  • Details
  • ISBN: 1853725625
  • Islam International Publications
  • 2010
  • Details

Islam otvechaet na voprosy sovremennosti

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853726036
  • Islam International Publications
  • 1997
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El Cristianismo : un viaje de la realidad a la ficción

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853726052
  • Islam International
  • 1997
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Sanxiang chuangzaoxing yuanze : zhigong, huiai, daiven rugi

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853726125
  • Islam International Publications
  • 1998
  • Details

Le Saint Coran : avec texte Arabe et une traduction


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853726354
  • Islam International Publications
  • 1998
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Problèmes des temps modernes : les solutions de l'Islam

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853726362
  • Islam International
  • 1998
  • Details

Revelation, rationality, knowledge and truth

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853726400
  • Islam International
  • 1998
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Kristendommen : en reise fra fakta til diktning

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853726435
  • Islam International
  • 1998
  • Details

La dérive du Christianisme le réel devient fiction

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853726494
  • Islam International
  • 1998
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Homiyopaithī : yaʿnī ʿilāj bilmiḻ

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853725994
  • Islam International
  • 1999
  • Details

Hal al-Ahmadīyah ghirās al-Inglīz? : Ḥaqā'iq tārīkhī = Was Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at planted by the British? : historical facts

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853726834
  • al-Sharikah al-Islāmīyah
  • 2001
  • Details

Dʿaawee sayyedna ahmad wa shahaadaat al-aslaaf = The claims of the promised messiah and the testimony of the venerable divines

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853727318
  • Al Shirkatul Islamiyah
  • 2003
  • Details

The seal of prophets : his personality and character : text of a lecture delivered by the head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at on 15th October 1989 at Heathland school, Hounslow

1 edition

  • ISBN: 185372727X
  • Islam International Publications
  • 2003
  • Details

Khātam al-nabīyīn ... : al-mafhūm al-ḥaqīqī

1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781853726910
  • al-Shirkat al-Islāmiyyah
  • 2005
  • Details

Aḥmadiyyah Muslim Jamāʿat and the Palestinian Muslims : glorious services of the Aḥmadiyyah Muslim Jamāʿat during the tragedy of the Palestinian Muslims : part 8 of a review of the Pakistani governmen

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853728098
  • Islam International Publications
  • 2005
  • Details

Was Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamā'at planted by the British? : the truth revealed in the light of historical facts

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853728047
  • Islam International Publications
  • 2006
  • Details

The national security of Indian Muslims : part 5 of a review of the Pakistani government's "White paper", Qādiyāniyyat - a grave threat to Islam : replies to some allegations

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853727679
  • Islam International Publications
  • 2006
  • Details

The true Islamic concept of Jihad : part 4 of a review of the Pakistani Government's "white paper", Qādiyāniyyat - a grave threat to Islam : replies to some allegations

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853727660
  • Islam International Publications
  • 2006
  • Details

Christianity : a journey from facts to fiction

2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781853728839
  • Islam International Publications
  • 2006
  • Details
  • Islam International Publications
  • 2010
  • Details

Aḥmadiyyah Muslim Jamāʿat and independence of Kashmir & Palestine : Kashmir and Palestine's struggle for independence and Aḥmadiyyah Muslim Jamā'at's enormous support

1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781853728198
  • Islam International Publications
  • 2007
  • Details

Their ulema : a moment for reflection for all the Muslims

1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781853728082
  • Islam International Publications
  • 2007
  • Details

Aḥmadiyyah Muslim Jamāʿat and the Muslims of India : glorious services of the Aḥmadiyyah Muslim Jamāʿat to defend the interests of the Muslims of India

1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781853728143
  • Islam International Publications
  • 2007
  • Details

The founder of the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama'at : convincing and decisive rebuttals to the objections against the holy founder of the Aḥmadiyyah Muslim Jamāʿat

1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781853728242
  • Islam International Publications
  • 2007
  • Details

A review of the Pakistani Government's ''White Paper'' : Qādiyāniyyat - a grave threat to Islam : replies to some allegations. 1, A deplorable scheme of falsification and accusations

1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781853728433
  • Islam International Publications Ltd
  • 2008
  • Details

A great victory for Aḥmadiyyat. 17, A review of the Pakistani Government's "white paper", Qāsiyāniyyat - a grave threat to Islam

1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781853728280
  • Islam International Publications
  • 2008
  • Details

A review of the Pakistani government's "white paper" Qādiyāniyyat : a grave threat to Islam : replies to some allegations. 13, Majestic writings of the Promised Messiah in view of some renowned Muslim

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1853728187
  • Islam International
  • 2009
  • Details

With love to the Muslims of the world : the Aḥmadiyya perspective

1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781853727443
  • Islam International Publications
  • 2010
  • Details

Magnificent services of the just Imam, the promised Messiah to reform the mutual controversies and distorted beliefs of Muslims : an English translation of the Friday sermon delivered by Ḥaḍrat Mirzā

1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781853728983
  • Nazarat Nashr-o-Isha'at Qadian for Islam International Publications Ltd
  • 2013
  • Details

Revival of religion

1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781848801653
  • Islam International Publications Ltd.
  • 2015
  • Details

Ang banal na Koran = Qurʾan majīd


1 edition

  • ISBN: 971885200X
  • London Mosque
  • Details

Kulani ntheu : maandiko ma Kialavu na ualyulo kwa Kikamba = The Holy Koran : Arabic text and Kikamba translation


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1852726559
  • Islam International
  • Details is a Good Stuff website.