
Great Britain. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries

325 published titles

Peas for market, canning and drying

1 edition

Autosexing poultry breeds

1 edition

Fold system of poultry keeping

1 edition

Diseases of vegetables

2 editions

Acorns and beech mast as feedingstuffs

1 edition

Fowl typhoid

1 edition

Plums and damsons

1 edition

Peas for drying

1 edition

Tuberculosis of cattle

2 editions

Silage from sugar beet tops

2 editions

Twin disease in ewes. (Pregnancy toxaemia)

1 edition

A substitute for dishorning

1 edition

Salad crops under glass

1 edition


1 edition


2 editions

The experiments on the Cornish pilchard fishery in 1947-8

1 edition

Apples and pears

1 edition

River boards : a guide to their powers and functions

1 edition


1 edition

Destruction of yellow charlock

1 edition

Factors affecting the marketing of home-produced tomatoes in Great Britain

1 edition

The wood-pigeon

1 edition

Potato virus diseases

1 edition

The essentials of good cowmanship

1 edition


1 edition


1 edition

Dry rot of potatoes

1 edition

Common worms of the pig

1 edition

Commercial anemone growing

2 editions

Commercial violet growing

1 edition

Weed control in cereals by spraying with selective weedkillers

1 edition

Joint-ill in young lambs

1 edition

The examination of bees for acarine disease

1 edition

The care of farm-stored grain

1 edition

Controlled grazing with electric fencing

2 editions

The British National hive

1 edition

Tuberculosis in poultry

1 edition


1 edition

Sugar-beet pulp for feeding

1 edition

Managing and manuring orchard soils

1 edition

Narcissus flies

2 editions

Poultry nutrition : theory and practice

1 edition

Fixed equipment of the farm : papers read at the conference held in the Guildhall, Winchester, on February 8 and 9, 1950

1 edition

Long-eared owl and short-eared owl

1 edition

Ants in the house

1 edition

Outdoor tomatoes

1 edition

Growing field peas for stock feeding

1 edition

Diseases of the rabbit

1 edition

Chafer beetles

2 editions

Flea beetles

2 editions

Precautions in the use of insecticides, fungicides and weed-killers

1 edition

Stinging nettles

3 editions

The goldfinch, chaffinch and greenfinch

1 edition

Potato tuber eelworm

1 edition

Cauliflower mosaic

1 edition

Blackquarter, quarter ill, or blackleg

1 edition

Stomach worms in cattle

1 edition

Sugar beet yellows

1 edition

Report on the animal health services for the year 1948, including report of proceedings under the Diseases of Animals Acts for 1948

1 edition

Echo-sounding and the pelagic fisheries

1 edition

Mushroom growing

2 editions

Poultry manure

1 edition

Seed testing for farmers

1 edition

Beet eelworm

1 edition

Cloche cultivation

2 editions

Smallholder cheese

1 edition

The magpie, the jackdaw and the jay

1 edition

Salmon of the Cheshire Dee

1 edition

The culling of poultry

1 edition

Narcissus culture

1 edition

Tomatoes : cultivation, diseases and pests

1 edition

Silage : a guide to the grading and feeding of silage

1 edition

Pruning plums and cherries

1 edition

Cabbage aphid

2 editions

Farm gates

1 edition

Insects infesting bacon and hams

1 edition

Design of farm grain stores

1 edition

Farm book-keeping

2 editions

Common scab of the potato

1 edition

The control of weeds in peas with DNBP

1 edition

Report of the committee appointed to review the organisation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries

1 edition

Electric fencing

2 editions

Potato root eelworm

2 editions

Currant and gooseberry aphids

1 edition

Slugs and snails

2 editions

Manures and fertilizers

2 editions

The cattle crush

1 edition

Couch or twitch

2 editions

Bush fruits

1 edition

Beans (excluding beans for stock feeding)

1 edition

Circumstances affecting the composition of milk

1 edition

British farming

1 edition

Lamb dysentery

2 editions

Farm and estate roads

1 edition

Farm and estate hedges

1 edition

The bull pen

1 edition

Sheep-dipping baths and handling pens

1 edition

Shelter belts for farmland

1 edition

The control of hoary pepperwort

1 edition

Stem and bulb eelworm,horticultural crops

1 edition

External parasites of poultry

2 editions

The fecundity of the plaice

1 edition

Laboratory methods for work with plant and soil nematodes

1 edition

Threshing and conditioning of seed crops

1 edition

Straw for fodder

1 edition

Brewers' wet grains

1 edition

Wild mammals and the land

1 edition


1 edition

Diseases of bees

1 edition

Chemical caponization : the hormone fattening of cockerels

1 edition

The pollination of apples and pears

1 edition

Commercial horticulture : advice to beginners

1 edition

Pollution of the Humber : an account of surveys carried out during the summer of 1949

1 edition

Culinary and medicinal herbs

1 edition

Winter (broccoli) and summer cauliflowers

1 edition

Root vegetables

1 edition

Poultry breeding : genetics and systems of breeding

2 editions

Construction of farm grain silos

1 edition

The pollination of plums and cherries

1 edition

Swine erysipelas

1 edition


1 edition

More from every acre

1 edition

Trichomonas disease

1 edition

Pullorum disease (B.W.D.)

1 edition

Green manuring

1 edition

Swine fever

1 edition

Grain storage drying & marketing in the United States of America : report of a mission, July-September,1951

1 edition

The American slipper limpet (Crepidula fornicata L) on Cornish oyster beds

1 edition

The preparation of strawberries for market

1 edition

Apple and pear scab

2 editions

Sugar beet tops for feeding green

2 editions

Report of the XIVth International Veterinary Congress, London, 8th-13th August 1949


1 edition

The built-up litter system

1 edition

Outdoor salad crops

1 edition


1 edition

Egg production in poultry yards

1 edition

The loganberry

1 edition

Reseeding of grassland

1 edition

Narcissus pests

1 edition

Estate yards

1 edition

Dried grass and dried lucerne as stockfeed

1 edition

Laying cages

1 edition

Taints in milk

1 edition


3 editions

Cabbage root fly

2 editions

Raspberry beetle

1 edition

Poultry on the general farm

2 editions

Incubation and hatchery practice

2 editions

The ABC of preserving


1 edition

Home freezing of fruit and vegetables

1 edition

The control of bracken

1 edition

Grain drying and storage in Great Britain : report of working party

1 edition

Handbook of orders relating to diseases of animals, 1951 : orders made by the Minister of Agricultue and Fisheries under the Diseases of Animals Acts

1 edition

Windrow harvesting

1 edition

Soil sterilization

1 edition

Hay : its making and feeding

1 edition

Bird migration and foot ad mouth disease

1 edition

Louping ill in sheep

1 edition

Farmers' income tax

2 editions

Reproduction of oysters in the rivers Crouch and Roach, Essex, during 1947, 1948 and 1949

1 edition

Some reactions of pelagic fish to light as recorded by echo-sounding : by I.D. Richardson

1 edition

Rearing turkeys

1 edition

Heating of grain

1 edition

Preservation of timber and metal

1 edition

Vapourer moth

1 edition

Lead poisoning in calves

1 edition

Marling and claying

1 edition

Rations for livestock

2 editions

Mange, worms, ringworms and miscellaneous disorders of rabbits

1 edition

Cob-nuts and filberts

1 edition

Cabbage caterpillars

1 edition

Chick rearing

2 editions

Egg production faults and their elimination

1 edition

Draft scheme under the Agricultural Marketing Acts, 1931 to 1949, regulating the marketing of apples and pears

1 edition

Kale as a feedingstuff

2 editions

Soil-cement roads

1 edition

Sex-linkage in poultry breeding

2 editions

Preparation of poultry for market

1 edition

Fodder beet : cultivation

1 edition

Financing improvements to land and buildings

1 edition

â™­Carmina!.Pindari carmina,cum fragmentis

1 edition

The mole

1 edition

Crops for silage

1 edition

Stem and bulb eelworm on clover

1 edition

Weed control in linseed and flax by selective herbicides

1 edition

Foul brood

1 edition

Cutworms or surface caterpillars

1 edition

Red core of strawberry

1 edition

Lettuce aphids

1 edition

Commercial dahlia growing

2 editions

The common buzzard

1 edition

Fruit tree red spider mite

1 edition

Chrysanthemum midge

1 edition

Rats and mice on the farm

1 edition


1 edition

Apple aphids

2 editions

Pea and bean thrips

1 edition

Winter moths

1 edition

Root knot eelworm in glasshouses

1 edition

Spotted wilt of tomato

1 edition

Intensive methods of poultry management

1 edition

The construction and heating of commercial glasshouses

1 edition

Bulk handling of grain in the United States of America

1 edition

The carrot fly

1 edition

Verticillium wilt of hops

1 edition

Calf rearing

1 edition

The housing of pigs

1 edition

Mangold fly

1 edition

The control of weeds in peas with Dinoseb (DNBP

1 edition

Sugar beet cultivation

1 edition

Apple sawfly

1 edition

Stem and bulb eelworm : horticultural crops

1 edition

Black scurf and stem canker of the potato

1 edition

Grass drying

1 edition

Pig feeding

1 edition

Feeding bees

1 edition

The barn-owl

1 edition

Husk or hoose in calves

2 editions

Thistles and their control

1 edition

Tripod haymaking

1 edition

Eelworms on strawberries

1 edition

Diseases and pests on horticultural planting material : a guide to their recognition

1 edition

Breeding for bacon production

1 edition

Poultry pedigree recording

1 edition

Cowshed hygiene

1 edition

Farm dairy hygiene

1 edition

Antibiotics in livestock feeding

1 edition

Agriculture Act,1947 and Agricultural Holdings Act,1948 : rights and obligations of landlords, tenants and owner-occupiers of agricultural land

1 edition

Machine milking

1 edition


1 edition

Honey from hive to market

1 edition

Home-grown linseed

1 edition

Rhododendron bug

1 edition

Swayback in lambs

1 edition

The calculation of irrigation need

1 edition

Stem and bulb eelworm on cereals and other farm crops

1 edition

Swift moths

1 edition

Fruit fly

1 edition

Cultivation of spinach

1 edition

Cereal root eelworm

1 edition

Cultivation of raspberries

1 edition


1 edition

Sugar beet : sowing to singling

1 edition

Woolly aphid

1 edition

Carnations under glass

1 edition

Coryza and sinusitis in poultry

1 edition

Worms in poultry

1 edition

Irrigation, with notes on crops to which it is applicable

1 edition

Modern rabbit-keeping

1 edition

A selected and classified list of books relating to agriculture horticulture, etc in the library of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries

1 edition

Public inquiry ordered by the Minister of Agriculture into the disposal of land at Crichel Down

1 edition

The brown rot diseases of fruit trees

1 edition

Spraying programme for apples and pears

1 edition

Dehorning of calves

1 edition

The housing of calves

1 edition

Sterilizing farm dairy utensils with approved hypochlorite

1 edition

Colorado beetle

1 edition

Hatchery design

1 edition

Cattle yards

1 edition


1 edition

Pea and bean weevils

1 edition

An economical sheep dipping bath

1 edition

Bulk handling of home-grown grain : report of working group

1 edition

Infra-red for chicks and piglets

1 edition

Report on insect pests of crops in England and Wales, 1938-1943

1 edition

Insects and mites in farm-stored grain

1 edition

Report on research from the 'Ernest Holt' into the fishery near Bear Island, 1949 and 1950

1 edition

Trussing of poultry

1 edition

Earcockles of wheat

1 edition

Maize for fodder and silage

1 edition

Verticillium wilt and black dot of potato

1 edition

Take-all or whiteheads of wheat and barley

1 edition

Packing apples in returnable bushel boxes

1 edition

Bulk storage of potatoes in buildings

1 edition

Black bean aphid

1 edition

American gooseberry mildew

1 edition

Domestic preservation of fruit and vegetables

1 edition

Small ermine moths

1 edition

Apple sucker

1 edition

Onion and leak smut

1 edition

Feeding for winter milk

1 edition

The farrowing crate

1 edition

Cost and efficiency of pig production : a comparison between England and Denmark: report of an investigation made in collaboration with the University of Nottingham

1 edition

Feeding of chicks and growing stock

1 edition

Ropy milk

1 edition

The fertilizer store

1 edition

Tractor ploughing

1 edition

The raspberry moth

1 edition

Glasshouse white fly

1 edition

Chrysanthemum eelworm

1 edition

A survey of the agriculture of the sand lands in districts of low rainfall

1 edition


1 edition

British poisonous plants

1 edition

Farm grain drying and storage

1 edition

The farm as a business : a handbook of standards and statistics prepared in collaboration with the Provinicial Agricultural Economics Service for use in farm management advisory work

1 edition


1 edition

The grey squirrel

1 edition

The W.B.C.hive

1 edition

Drainage of the farm homestead

1 edition

Hot-water treatment of plants

1 edition

The implement shed

1 edition

The control of rushes

1 edition

Wingless weevils

1 edition

Gooseberry red spider mite

1 edition


1 edition

The feeding of separated milk

2 editions

The ox warble fly

1 edition

Principles of good farm management

1 edition

Wheat bulb fly

1 edition

The maintenance of farm buildings

1 edition


1 edition

Onions and related crops

1 edition

Cabbages, brussels sprouts and miscellaneous green crops

1 edition

Poultry housing

1 edition

Cane fruits

1 edition

The feeding of dairy cows

1 edition

Docks and sorrels

1 edition

Knotgrass and allied weeds

1 edition

The farm as a business : handbook of standards and statistics; prepared in collaboration with the Provincial Agricultural Economics Service for use in farm management advisory work

1 edition


1 edition

The broiler house

1 edition

Sugar beet pulp for feeding

1 edition


1 edition

The deep litter hen house

1 edition



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