
United Nations. Office of Public Information

33 published titles

Everyman's United Nations : the structure, functions and work of the organization and its related agencies during the years 1945-1958

1 edition

A sacred trust : United Nations work for people of non-self governing lands

1 edition

Co-operation for economic progress

1 edition

Basic facts about the United Nations

4 editions

United Nations programs of technical assistance : a cooperative effort to aid under-developed countries

1 edition

Flags of the United Nations

1 edition

The International Court of Justice

3 editions

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights : a standard of achievement

2 editions

Guide to the charter of the United Nations

1 edition

Population and food supply

1 edition

For human welfare : a study guide on the work of the Economic and Social Council

1 edition

Adventure in development : United Nations technical aid programs in the world's less developed nations

1 edition

Aspects of economic development : the background to freedom from hunger

1 edition

From dependence to freedom : the United Nations role in the advance of dependent peoples towards self-government or independence

1 edition

In the service of Europe : the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

1 edition

National development efforts

1 edition

The United Nations and what you should know about it

1 edition

Teaching human rights : a handbook for teachers

1 edition

Flag book of the United Nations

1 edition

The United Nations in West New Guinea : an unprecedented story

1 edition

Apartheid in South Africa : summary of the report of the Special Committee on the Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa

1 edition

Helping economic development in Asia and the Far East : the work of E.C.A.F.E

1 edition

The United Nations and the status of women : a survey of the United Nations work in this field

1 edition

Homage to a friend : a memorial tribute by the United Nations for President John F. Kennedy


1 edition

  • United States Committee for the United Nations in cooperation with the United Nations Office of Publ
  • 1964
  • Details

The United Nations family

1 edition

The official guide book

1 edition

Ev ryman's United Nations : the structure, fun tions and work of the Organization

1 edition

Landmarks in international co-operation : International Co-operation Year, 1965

1 edition

The United Nations and decolonization : summary of the work of the Special Committee of Twenty-Four

1 edition

To accomplish these aims : seven views on international co-operation

1 edition

International control of narcotic drugs

1 edition

Never again war A documented account of the visit to the United Nations of His Holiness Pope Paul v1 : with texts of the encyclical letter of Pope John xx111,'Pacem in terris',and the United Nations U

1 edition

Basic facts about the United Nations a summary of its - purposes, structure, activities

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0119012685
  • United Nations
  • 1970
  • Details is a Good Stuff website.