Menelaos Karanasos
5 published titles
The 2nd moment and the autocovariance function of the squared errors of the GARCH model
1 edition
- Department of Economics, Keele University
- 1998
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A GARCH model of inflation and inflation uncertainty with simultaneous feedback
1 edition
- Department of Economics, National University of Ireland, Galway
- 2000
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Are economic growth and the variability of the business cycle related? : evidence from five European countries
1 edition
- Department of Economics, National University of Ireland, Galway
- 2002
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Growth volatility and political instability : non-linear time-series evidence for Argentina 1896-2000
1 edition
Two to tangle : financial development, political instability and economic growth in Argentina (1896-2000)
1 edition
- Centre for Economic Policy Research
- 2008
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