
NHS Education for Scotland

106 published titles

Continuing professional development portfolio : a route to enhanced competence in neonatal nursing


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2002
  • Details

Quality assurance & professional regulation : programme approval & monitoring : themes and issues


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2002
  • Details

Continuing professional development portfolio : a route to enhanced competence for tissue viability nurse specialists


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2002
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Continuing professional development portfolio : a route to enhanced competence in dermatology nursing


1 edition

Continuing professional development portfolio : a route to enhanced competence in perioperative practice


1 edition

Preparation for practice : clinical skills (nurse education) : project report


2 editions

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2002
  • Details
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2002
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The experience of using a CPD strategy template


1 edition

Supporting the development of healthcare support workers in Scotland : final report


1 edition

  • NHS education for Scotland
  • 2002
  • Details

Competencies for dental vocational training and general professional training in Scotland


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2002
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Contributions of psychology to cancer care


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2002
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Report by the primary care sub-group


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2002
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Psychological services to learning disabilities : clinical psychology workforce planning report


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2002
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Clinical psychology workforce planning report


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2002
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A strategy for the development of education for the dental team in Scotland : a paper for discussion


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2002
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Competencies for dental vocational training and general training in Scotland

1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2003
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Dentally qualified senior house officers in oral and maxillofacial surgery units : report on requirements for education, training and clinical supervision

2 editions

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2003
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  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2003
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Education and training for the dental team in remote and rural regions of Scotland : report of a working group

2 editions

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2003
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  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2003
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A competency framework for the care of a person with diabetes : designed to link with the continuing professional needs of the multidisciplinary team and complement the NHSQIS clinical standards for d


1 edition

The development of quality standards for practice placements : final report

1 edition

Continuing professional development portfolio : a route to enhanced competence in caring for older people


1 edition

Information resource to support the introduction of assigned staff to champion infection prevention and control

1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2003
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Making continuing professional development work


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2003
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The Scottish programme for specialist training in public health


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2003
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Appraisal for general practitioners working in Scotland : handbook for appraisers and appraisees


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2003
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A template for continuing professional development in prescribing


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2003
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A framework for mandatory induction training in healthcare associated infection (HAI) for NHSScotland


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2004
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Competencies for clinical dental directors


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2004
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Race equality scheme


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2004
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Coronary heart disease : core competencies for healthcare staff


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2004
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Themes and issues 2002 - 2004 : quality assurances & professional regulation: programme approval & monitoring


1 edition

  • ISBN: 187332748X
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2004
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Occupational health : a resource pack for primary care


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2004
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Getting it right together : the implementation of recommendations 16,17 and 20 from 'Promoting health, supporting inclusion'


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2004
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Education resource for new members of NES Register of Expertise


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2004
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Workforce planning for dentistry in Scotland. : framework for modelling dental workforce and building for the future. Characteristics of the demand dynamics for dental services


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2004
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Partnerships in education : guidelines for the design and delivery of family health nurse education programmes in Scotland


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2004
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Making choices, facing challenges : developing your research career in nursing, midwifery and the allied health professions


1 edition

  • ISBN: 0755945298
  • Scottish Executive
  • 2005
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Consultant recruitment and retention in NHS Scotland : a study of the career intentions of specialist registrars : final report


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2005
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Psychology into practice : developing a framework to support the improvement of health : report of a national conference


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2005
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New opportunities : realising the potential of SCQF and KSF for careers in NHS Scotland


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2005
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Practice placements for the allied health professions in Scotland : a scope of practice placement providers and higher education institutions


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2005
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The right preparation : the framework for learning disability nurse education in Scotland


1 edition

  • NHS Education in Scotland
  • 2005
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Stroke : core competencies for healthcare staff


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2005
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Delivering for health and applied psychology : current workforce, future potential


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2006
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A realist synthesis of evidence relating to practice development : final report to NHS Education for Scotland and NHS Quality Improvement Scotland


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2006
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Perinatal mental health curricular framework


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2006
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Midwives and medicines


2 editions

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2006
  • Details
  • ISBN: 9780857910134
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2011
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Working with individuals with cancer,their families and carers : professional development framework for nurses and allied health professionals : core level


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2006
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Workforce planning for psychology services in NHS Scotland : characteristics of the workforce supply in 2006


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2006
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From knowing to doing : transforming knowledge into practice in NHS Scotland : implementation plan 2006-2009


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2006
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Maternity care assistants in Scotland : a competency framework


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2006
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A realist synthesis of evidence relating to practice development : executive summary


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2006
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Assessment of competencies in clinical psychology : progress report


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2006
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First south east (NHS) education forum, 30th March 2006 : facilitator's report


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2006
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Framework for workforce education development for health protection in Scotland


1 edition

  • NHS education for Scotland
  • 2006
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An evaluation of the development & implementation of the NHS Education for Scotland Cleanliness champions programme : full report


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1901085864
  • Robert Gordon University
  • 2006
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An evaluation of the development & implementation of the NHS Education for Scotland Cleanliness champions programme : executive summary


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1901085856
  • Robert Gordon University
  • 2006
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Supporting nurses and midwives


1 edition

  • NHS education for Scotland
  • 2006
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Education and training for the dental team in Scotland


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2006
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Core competencies for anaesthetic assistants


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2006
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Patient group directions


1 edition

  • NHS Quality Improvement Scotland
  • 2006
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Capacity and capability for nursing & midwifery research in Scotland : report of a scoping exercise conducted towards the end of 2006


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2007
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SCQF level descriptors : the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF)


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2007
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Valuing your learning : guidance on the recognition of prior informal learning (RPL) for the NHS in Scotland


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2007
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Themes and issues : 2004-2006 : quality assurance and professional regulation : programme approval & monitoring


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2007
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A guide to using palliative care competence frameworks


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9780954239671
  • Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care
  • 2007
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An evaluation of roles in relation to the NES competencies for nurse practioners working in minor injury units, A&E and community hospital casualty departments : final report


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781906150013
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2007
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Competency record book : a route to enhanced competence in sexual and reproductive health nursing (post-registration and pre-specialist level)


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2007
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Visible, accessible and integrated care : capability framework for community health nursing


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2007
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Working with older people in Scotland : a framework for mental health nurses


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2008
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A capability framework for working in acute mental health care : the values, skills, and knowledge needed to deliver high quality care in a full range of acute settings


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2008
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Spiritual and religious care capabilities and competences for healthcare chaplains


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2008
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The national framework for pre-registration mental health nursing programmes in Scotland


1 edition

  • NHS Education Scotland
  • 2008
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Information governance in NHSScotland : a competency framework


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2008
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Scottish subject benchmark statement : midwifery


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781844828852
  • QAA Scotland
  • 2009
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Scottish subject benchmark statement : public health nursing


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781844828869
  • QAA Scotland
  • 2009
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Scottish subject benchmark statement : nursing


1 edition

Integration, collaboration and empowerment : practice development for a new context


1 edition

  • NHS Quality Improvement Scotland
  • 2009
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Drug prescribing for dentistry : dental clinical guidance : June 2009 update


1 edition

A career and development framework for neonatal nurses in Scotland


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9780857910004
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2010
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The children's chapter : an educational framework for AHP's working with children and young people


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9780857910042
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2010
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Skills maximisation toolkit : maximising the contribution made by allied health professions to the patient journey


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9780857910059
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2010
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An analysis of the dental workforce in Scotland : a strategic review 2010


1 edition

Development of a toolkit to profile learning achievements in in-patient settings from the perspectives of older people, family carers, nurses, support workers and student nurses : final report present


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781905866465
  • School of Health, Glasgow Caledonian University
  • 2010
  • Details

Core competency framework for the protection of children


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9780857910097
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2011
  • Details

The next chapter-- : NES allied health professions education strategy, 2011-2014


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9780857910103
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2011
  • Details

Psychosocial interventions for improving adherence, self-management and adjustment to physical health conditions : children and young people : education resource for multidisciplinary staff working wi


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9780857910127
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2011
  • Details

Quality education for a healthier Scotland : NES nursing and midwifery strategy : 2011-2014


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9780857910165
  • NHS Education Scotland
  • 2011
  • Details

Respecting and protecting adults at risk in Scotland : legislation and practice : an educational resource


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9780857910141
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2011
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Leading accountable and professional care : a companion for senior charge nurses and midwives in Scotland


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9780857910158
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2011
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Standards of care for dementia in Scotland : action to support the change programme, Scotland's national dementia strategy


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781780451930
  • Scottish Government
  • 2011
  • Details

Promoting excellence : a framework for all health and social services staff working with people with dementia, their families and carers


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781780451947
  • Scottish Government
  • 2011
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The 10 essential shared capabilities for mental health practice : learning materials (Scotland)


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9780857910110
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2011
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Drug prescribing for dentistry : dental clinical guidance


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781905829286
  • Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme
  • 2016
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Sustaining positive change : education initiative to support communication and human relationships in healthcare (long term conditions and palliative care)


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9780857910233
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2012
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Effective Practitioner : introductory booklet


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9780857910288
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2012
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Chronic medication service : toolkit for community pharmacy


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9780857910295
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2013
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The national framework for pre-registration learning disability nursing field programmes in Scotland : February 2013


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9780857910318
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2013
  • Details

Delivering positive change : corporate plan 2013-14

1 edition

  • ISBN: 9780857910332
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2013
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Preventing infection in care at home : standard infection control precautions : a pocket guide for community health and social care staff


1 edition

  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2013
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National approach to mentor preparation for nurses and midwives : core curriculum framework


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9780857910349
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2013
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Quality education for a healthier Scotland : a refreshed strategic framework for 2014-19


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9780857910363
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2014
  • Details

The Ryan Harper legacy : 'a day in the life ...' of experience influencing allied health professions future practice

1 edition

  • ISBN: 9780857910202
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • Details

Education and development framework for senior AHPs

1 edition

  • ISBN: 9780857910240
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • Details

Significant event analysis : guidance for community pharmacy teams : community pharmacy and GPs working together to develop safer practices


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9780857910264
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • Details

A strategy and action plan for embedding knowledge in practice in Scotland's social services 2012-15


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781782561620
  • Scottish Government
  • Details

Conscious sedation in dentistry : dental clinical guidance


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781905829156
  • Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme, Dundee Dental Education Centre
  • Details is a Good Stuff website.