
Catholic Church. Pope (1963-1978 : Paul VI)

17 published titles

Decree on ecumenism

1 edition

  • Catholic Truth Society
  • 1965
  • Details

The constitution on the Church of Vatican Council II, proclaimed by Pope Paul VI,November 21,1964

1 edition

  • Darton,Longman & Todd
  • 1965
  • Details

Ecclesiam suam : encyclical letter of His Holiness Paul VI on the Church in the modern world

1 edition

  • Catholic Truth Society
  • 1965
  • Details

Decree on the Eastern Catholic Churches

1 edition

  • Catholic Truth Society
  • 1965
  • Details

Paul, Bishop, servant of the servants of God together with the Fathers of the Sacred Council puts on permanent record the Decree on ecumenism (De oecumenismo)

1 edition

  • Catholic Truth Society
  • 1966
  • Details

Sacerdotalis caelibatus : Encyclical letter on priestly celibacy

1 edition

  • Catholic Truth Society
  • 1967
  • Details

Indulgentiarum doctrina : Apostolic constitution of His Holiness Pope Paul 1V promulgatinf the revision of sacred indulgences

1 edition

  • Catholic Truth Society
  • 1967
  • Details

Populorum progressio : encyclical of Pope Paul VI on the development of peoples : 26th March 1967

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1860824153
  • Catholic Truth Society
  • 1967
  • Details

List okólny Papiez̀a Pawla VI do biskupow, duchowienstwa, wiernych, oraz wszystkich ludzi dobrej woli o zyciu ludzkim (Humanae vitae) : a zasadach moralnych w dziedzinie przekazywania źycia ludzkiego,

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0901215082
  • Veritas
  • 1969
  • Details

On human life : encyclical letter (Humanae vitae) of His Holiness Paul VI by divine providence Pope to his venerable brethren, the patriachs, archbishops, bishops, and other local ordinaries being at

1 edition

  • ISBN: 1860820611
  • Catholic Truth Society
  • 1970
  • Details

On the renewal of the religious life according to the teaching of the Second Vatican Council : apostolic exhortation of His Holiness Pope Paul VI [translated from the Latin]

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0851830471
  • Catholic Truth Society
  • 1971
  • Details

Apostolic constitution (Paenitemini) of His Holiness Pope Paul VI promulgating the penitential discipline of the Church

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0851830781
  • Catholic Truth Society
  • 1973
  • Details

Apostolic constitution (Missale Romanum) of Pope Paul VI; and, General instruction on the Roman Missal [issued by the Sacred Congregation of Rites]

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0851830854
  • Catholic Truth Society
  • 1973
  • Details

To honour Mary : apostolic exhortation 'Marialis cultus' of His Holiness Paul VI to all bishops in peace and communion with the Apostolic See for the right ordering and development of devotion to the

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0851831001
  • Vatican Polyglot Press
  • 1974
  • Details

The Holy Year : Bull of Indiction, 1975

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0851831087
  • Catholic Truth Society
  • 1974
  • Details

Apostolii exhortation 'Evangelii nuntiandi' of His Holiness Pope Paul VI to the episcopate, to the clergy and to all the faithful of the entire world on evangelization in the modern world

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0851831583
  • Catholic Truth Society
  • 1976
  • Details

Evangelii nuntiandi : apostolic exhortation of his Holiness Pope Paul VI to the episcopate, to the clergy and to all the faithful of the entire world

1 edition

  • ISBN: 0851831583
  • Catholic Truth Society
  • 2002
  • Details is a Good Stuff website.