
Stephen Nickell

116 published titles

A labour supply function for married women in Great Britain


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1976
  • Details

Personal characteristics and the earnings of teachers : an earnings function approach


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1976
  • Details

Excess labour supply in urban India


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1976
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Estimating labour supply functions with progressive taxation of earnings


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1976
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The social rate of return in optimal educational growth


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1976
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Demand and supply functions for state and local government employment : the effect of federal grants on nonfederal governmental wages and employment


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1976
  • Details

Family, background, education and achievement : a path model of earnings determinants in the UK and some alternatives


1 edition

  • London School of Economics Centre for Labour Economics
  • 1976
  • Details

Trade Unions and the position of women in the industrial wage structure


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1977
  • Details

The labor supply response of wage earners in the rural negative income tax experiment


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1977
  • Details

The quality of education and cohort variation in black-white earnings differentials


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1977
  • Details

Internal labour mobility in the teaching profession


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1977
  • Details

Unions, incomes policy and relative wages in Britain


1 edition

  • London School of Economics Centre for Labour Economics
  • 1977
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Labour market duality and income distributives : the case of the U.K.


1 edition

  • London School of Economics Centre for Labour Economics
  • 1977
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Altruism in the family and selfishness in the market place


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1980
  • Details

Still searching for an explanation of unemployment in inter-war Britain


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1980
  • Details

Efficient public employment with labour market distortions : paper presented to the International Institute of Public Finance congress on 'Public finance and public employment', Jerusalem, August 1980


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1980
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Power and ability in the distribution of earnings


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1980
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Horizontal equity _ a utilitarian approach


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1980
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Biases in dynamic models with fixed effects


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1980
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Racial earnings differentials in the U.K.


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1980
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Low pay, occupational mobility and minimum wage policy in Britain


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1980
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Female labour supply in post-war Britain : a cohort approach


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1981
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Input price shocks and the slowdown in economic growth


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1981
  • Details

Comment on T.J. Sargent and N. Wallace : 'Some unpleasant monetarist arithmetic'


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1981
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The CES utility function, non-linear budget constraints and labour supply : results on female participation and hours


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1981
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Relative earnings and individual union membership in the U.K.


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1981
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The labour market in an equilibrium business cycle model


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1981
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Unemployment in Britain : causes and cures


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1981
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An investigation of the determinants of manufacturing employment in the United Kingdom


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1981
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The reward for risk in the labour market : evidence from the U.K. and a reconciliation with other studies


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1981
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Using longitudinal data to estimate the employments effects of the minimum wage


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1981
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Adjustment and structural change under raw material price shocks


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1981
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The demand for labour in British manufacturing : paper presented at the Conference on Unemployment held at Newnham College, Cambridge, July 1981


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1981
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Output and income hierarchical firms


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1981
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The dole


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1981
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Wages and unemployment : a general framework : discussants comments at the Royal Economic Society Conference July 1981


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1981
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Mortality and unemployment : a cautionary note


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1981
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Unemployment and its impact on morbidity and morality


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1981
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Foreign evidence relevant to the proposed nation-wide social service in the United Kingdom


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1981
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Compensating and equivalent variations, and the deadweight loss of taxation


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1981
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Efficient financing of unemployment insurance


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1981
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Wages and employment with firm-specific seniority


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1981
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Determinants and implications of staggered-wage contracts


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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Overseas students' fees and the demand for education


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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Search intensity, job advertising, and efficiency


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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Unemployment in the United Kingdom since the war


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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A test of price sluggishness in the simple rational expectations model : U.K. 1950-1977


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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The effect of a wage tax on equilibrium unemployment


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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Trade unions, the NAIRU and a wage-inflation tax


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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Predetermined and non-predetermined variables in rational expectations models


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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Saddlepoint problems in continous time rational expectations models : a general method and some macroeconomic examples


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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The price responsiveness of the demand for labour by skill : British mechanical engineering 1963-78


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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Real effects of anticipated and unanticipated money : some problems of estimation and hypothesis testing


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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Labour supply and quantity constraints : results on female participation and hours in Italy


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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Granger-causality and stabilization policy


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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On testing the natural rate hypothesis within a rational expectations framework


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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Trends in civil service pay relative to the private sector


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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Trade unions and the number of jobs in a model of the natural rate of unemployment


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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A program for solving and simulating discrete time linear rational expectations models


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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Unemployment inflow rates for autumn 1978


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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Research into unemployment : a partial view of the economics literature


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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Relative prices and the demand for labour in British manufacturing


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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Wage inflation in the U.K.


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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Wage rigidity and unemployment in OECD countries


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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Cyclical innovations in wages, prices and employment : theory and U.K. evidence


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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Raw materials and the productivity slowdown: some doubts


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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Is incomes policy the answer to unemployment? : an inaugural lecture presented at the London School of Economics on 7th October 1981


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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Cause of the current stagflation


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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The proper measurement of government budget deficits : comprehensive wealth accounting or permanent income accounting for the public sector : its implications for policy evaluation and design


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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An examination of the differential patterns in the cyclical behaviour of the employment, hours and wages of labour of different skill : British mechanical engineering, 1963-1978


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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Racial discrimination and occupational attainment in Britain


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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Targeting nominal incomes : an appraisal


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1982
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On the use of country sets of estimates of the same equation


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1983
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Unemployment benefits revisited


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1983
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Wage differentials between married men and women in Great Britain : the depreciation effect on non-participation


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1983
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Unions, real wages and employment in Britain, 1951-79


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1983
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The theory of optimum deficits and debts


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1983
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Female labour supply with taxation random preferences and optimization errors


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1983
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Money wage rigidity in an economy with rational trade unions


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1983
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On vacancies


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1983
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A model of female labour supply in Italy using cohort data


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1983
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Neo-classical demand for labour functions for six major economies


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1983
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Annual report 1982/83

1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1983
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Efficient unemployment with endogenous jobs and job rejection


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1983
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The macroeconomic consequences of a change in regime : the UK under Mrs Thatcher


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1983
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Floating exchange rates, expectations and new information : is the forward rate really a good predictor?


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1983
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Costs and benefits of an anti-inflationary policy : questions and issues


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1983
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Capital formation and the role of long-term labour contracts


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1983
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The estimation of 'surprise' models and the 'surprise' consumption function


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1984
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Consumption adjustment costs and rational expectations : an application to UK consumers' data


1 edition

  • Houghton St. WC2A 2AE
  • 1984
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The modelling of wages and employment


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1984
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Empirical investigation of exchange rate determinants : a survey


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1984
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The terms of trade, labour supply, and the current account


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1984
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A wage-tax, worker-subsidy policy for reducing the "natural” rate of unemployment


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1985
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Annual report, 1984/85

1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1985
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The government's policy for jobs : an analysis


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1985
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Structural unemployment


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1985
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Observable shocks and equilibrium cycles in a model of money and growth


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1985
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The effect of sex anti-discriminatory legislation on the variability of female employment in Britain


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1985
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Intertemporal substitution and labour supply with time separable preferences


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1985
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Is wage rigidity caused by 'lay-offs by seniority'?


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1985
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Miners' wages in post-war Britain : an application of a model of trade union behaviour


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1985
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Real earnings gains and losses from unemployment


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1985
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Wages and employment in the O.E.C.D. countries


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1985
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What happens when unions run firms?


1 edition

  • Houghton St., WC2A 2AE
  • 1985
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Optimal government policy in a small open economy with rational expectations and uncertain election outcomes


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1985
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Trade unions, investment and employment : A non-cooperative approach


1 edition

  • Houghton St., WC2A 2AE
  • 1985
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A disaggregated disequilibrium model of the labour market


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1986
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Capital accumulation, inflation and long-run conflict in international objectives


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1986
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General equilibrium model of discrimination and its effects on incomes


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1986
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The Phillips curve is a wage equation


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1986
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The U.K. capital stock _ new estimates of premature scrapping


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1986
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The micro-economic effects of profit-sharing : the British experience


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1986
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Output and employment effects of countercyclical policy : empirical evidence for OECD countries


1 edition

  • Centre for Labour Economics, London School of Economics
  • 1986
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Do wage subsidies enhance employability? : evidence from Australian youth


1 edition

  • ISBN: 0753012138
  • Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics and Political Science
  • 1998
  • Details

The demand for post-compulsory education in four European countries


1 edition

  • ISBN: 0753012200
  • Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics and Political Science
  • 1998
  • Details is a Good Stuff website.