Helena Fyfe Thonemann
3 published titles
Confessor to the last of the Habsburgs : the Emperor Charles VI (1685-1740) & Georg Tönneman: S.J.: (1659-1740) : a sketch
1 edition
- ISBN: 0953940500
- Thonemann
- 2000
- Details
Confessor to the last of the Habsburgs : Vitus Georgius Tönneman, Soc. Jesu. (1659-1740), the unknown Jesuit confessor to Charles VI (1685-1740) (Holy Roman Emperor, 1711-40) : a compilation
1 edition
- ISBN: 9780953940523
- Thonemann
- 2008
- Details
Educated circles and their mode of reasoning
1 edition
- ISBN: 9780953940530
- H. F. Thonemann
- 2011
- Details