French literature :: Women authors :: History and criticism :: Theory, etc.
French literature :: 20th century :: History and criticism :: Theory, etc.
Feminism and literature :: France :: History :: 20th century
Women and literature :: France :: History :: 20th century
Feminist fiction :: History and criticism
Fiction :: Authorship :: Sex differences
French language :: Sex differences
Catalogue Data
OBNB ID GB9100727
ISBN 10 0333449444
ISBN 13 n/a
Type BibliographicResource, Book
Dewey Classification 840.909287
P1053 [200]p.
P1042 Includes bibliography.
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Language and sexual difference : feminist writing in France by Susan Sellers. ISBN 0333449444. Published by Macmillan Education in 1991. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.