Galba, Servius Sulpicius, Emperor of Rome, 3 B.C.-69 A.D.
Otho, Marcus Salvius, Emperor of Rome, 32-69
Vitellius, Aulus, Emperor of Rome, 15-69
Emperors :: Rome :: Biography :: Early works to 1800
Rome :: History :: Civil war, 68-69
Catalogue Data
OBNB ID GB9312614
ISBN 10 1853991201
ISBN 13 n/a
Type BibliographicResource, Book
Dewey Classification 937.0072
P1053 xx,175p.
P1042 Bibliography: xv-xvii.
P1073 Latin text with English notes.
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Suetonius : Galba, Otho, Vitellius by Suetonius. ISBN 1853991201. Published by Bristol Classical in 1992. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.