Delivering 21st Century IT for the NHS : National Patient Record Analysis Service : Strategic Outline Case
Publication Data
Title Delivering 21st Century IT for the NHS : National Patient Record Analysis Service : Strategic Outline Case
Publisher Department of Health
Publication date 0000
Publication location London
Medical records :: Great Britain :: Data processing
National health services :: Great Britain :: Data processing
Catalogue Data
ISBN 10 n/a
ISBN 13 n/a
Type BibliographicResource, Book
Dewey Classification 362.10285
P1008>Version: Version: 1.2
P1053 1 online resource (56, 12 pages)
P1042 Includes bibliographical reference.
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Delivering 21st Century IT for the NHS : National Patient Record Analysis Service : Strategic Outline Case. Published by Department of Health. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.