Arg Saesneg gwreiddiol = Original English ed: [Hove]: Wayfarer, 1989.
Science :: Study and teaching (Secondary)
Electricity :: Study and teaching (Secondary)
Catalogue Data
OBNB ID GB9240522
ISBN 10 1855960508
ISBN 13 n/a
Type BibliographicResource, Book
Dewey Classification 537
P1053 48p.
P1042 Llyfryddiaeth: p47. - Yn cynnwys mynegai. = Bibliography: p47. - Inc;udes index.
P1073 Trosiad Cymraeg o = Welsh translation of: Exploring electricity.
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Trydan by Ed Catherall. ISBN 1855960508. Published by Dref Wen in 1992. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.