A restless past : history and the American public

A restless past : history and the American public

Joyce Oldham Appleby

Publication Data


Without resolution : the Jeffersonian tension in American nationalism
A different kind of independence : the postwar restructuring of the historical study of early America
The American heritage : the heirs and the disinherited
Recovering America's historic diversity : beyond exceptionalism
The enlightenment project in a postmodernist age
One good turn deserves another : moving beyond the linguistic : a response to David Harlan
The power of history
Presidents, Congress, and courts : partisan passions in motion
The vexed story of capitalism told by American historians.


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A restless past : history and the American public by Joyce Oldham Appleby. ISBN 0742542521. Published by Rowman & Littlefield Publishers in 2005. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments. is a Good Stuff website.