Worlds apart : measuring international and global inequality

Worlds apart : measuring international and global inequality

Branko Milanović

Publication Data


The promise of the twentieth century
A topic whose time has come
I: Setting the stage
The three concepts of inequality defined
Other differences between the concepts
International and world inequality compared
II: Inequality among countries
Rising differences in per capita incomes
Regional convergence, divergence, or ... "vergence"
The shape of international GDP per capita distribution
Winners and losers: increasing dominance of the west
III: Global inequality
Concept 2 inequality: decreasing in the past twenty years
High global inequality: no trend?
A world without a middle class
IV: Concluding comments
The three concepts of inequality in historical perspective
Why does global inequality matter and what to do about it?


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Worlds apart : measuring international and global inequality by Branko Milanović. ISBN 0691121109. Published by Princeton University Press in 2005. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments. is a Good Stuff website.