What do we mean by "Western civilization"? / William Scott Green
How religion is a foundation of Western civilization / William Scott Green
Judaism / Jacob Neusner
Christianity : what it is and how it defines Western civilization / Bruce Chilton
Islam : what it is and how it defines Western civilization / Th. Emil Homerin
Religion, politics, culture, law, and society
Judaism / Alan J. Avery-Peck
Christianity / Bruce Chilton
Islam / Th. Emil Homerin
Philosophy : Averroes, Maimonides, and Aquinas / Seymour Feldman
Mysticism as a meeting ground : seeing the unseen / Elliot R. Wolfson
Latin Christianity, the crusades, and the Islamic response / James A. Brundage
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in Spain from the eighth to the fifteenth centuries / Olivia Remie Constable
Christianity and Islam in the Balkans from the fifteenth to the twentieth centuries / Amila Buturovic
Zionism, imperialism, and nationalism
Zionism / Jacob Neusner
Christian imperialism / Bruce Chilton
Political Islam / Th. Emil Homerin
The modernization of Christianity / Bruce Chilton
The modernization of Judaism / Jacob Neusner
The modernization of Islam / Th. Emil Homerin
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in their contemporary encounters
Judaism addresses Christianity / Jon D. Levenson
Christianity meets other religions / Bruce Chilton
Islam and Pluralism / Th. Emil Homerin
Timeline / compiled by Cory Berry-Whitlock.
Religious foundations of Western civilization : Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. ISBN 0687332028. Published by Abingdon Press in 2006. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.