The contested governance of European food safety regulation / Christopher Ansell and David Vogel
Taste, traditions, and transactions: the public and private regulation of food / Frans van Waarden
Contentions over food safety: the significance of consumer trust / Umni Kjaernes, Arne Dulsrud, and Christian Poppe
Food safety and the structure of the European food industry / Thomas Bernauer and Ladina Caduff
Protesting food: NGOs and political mobilization in Europe / Christopher Ansell, Rahsaan Maxwell, and Daniela Sicurelli
Is it just about trust? The partial reform of French food safety regulation / Olivier Borraz, Julien Besançon, and Christophe Clergeau
From precautionary bans to DIY poison tasting: reform of the UK food safety regulation regime / Henry Rothstein
Governance reform of German food safety regulation: cosmetic or real? / Bodo Steiner
Regulating food safety risks in the European Union: a comparative perspective / Grace Skogstad
Food safety and the single European market / Alberto Alemanno
The creation of the European food safety authority / Laurie Buonanno
Protection or protectionism? EU food safety and the WTO / Alasdair R. Young and Peter Holmes
Compatibility or clash? EU food safety and the WTO / Christine Noiville
The asymmetries of governance / Christopher Ansell.
What's the beef? : the contested governance of European food safety. ISBN 0262511924. Published by MIT in 2006. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.