Introduction : the potential of ground stone studies / Yorke M. Rowan and Jennie R. Ebeling
Geological constraints on ground stone production and consumption in the southern Levant / Joan S. Schneider and Philip C. LaPorta
Discovery of a medieval Islamic industry for steatite cooking vessels in Egypt's eastern desert / James A. Harrell and V. Max Brown
Beyond the Mohs scale : raw material choice and the production of stone vases in a late Minoan context / Tristan Carter
Stones on stone : assessing the use of handstones as tools to process stone artifacts at PPNB Ba'ja in southern Jordan / Philipp M. Rassmann
A chip off the old millstone : grinding stone production and distribution in the early Bronze Age of the Negev / Yael Abadi-Reiss and Steven A. Rosen
The exchange of ground stone tools and vessels during the early Bronze Age in the southern Levant / Ianir Milevski
Craft production and the organization of ground stone technologies / Katherine I. Wright
Maize-grinding tools in prehispanic central Mexico / Martin Biskowski
Grinding stones and seeds of change : starch and phytoliths as evidence of plant food processing / Richard Fullagar, Judith Field and Lisa Kealhofer
Identifying lightly used polishing stones : experiments and implications / Martha Trenna Valado
Wear patterns on ground stone implements from Tel Yin'am / Harold A. Liebowitz
Variation in the organization of prehistoric milling technologies of the northern Mojave Desert, North America / Mark E. Basgall
Beyond the broken / Jenny L. Adams
Ground stone tools, refuse structure, and the life histories of residential buildings at Ayn abū Nukhayla, southern Jordan / Seiji Kadowaki
The changing face of ground stone studies in the American Great Basin / Renee Corona Kolvet
Basalt bowls in early Bronze IA shaft tombs at Bab edh-Dhra' : production, placement and symbol / R. Thomas Schaub
Stone alabastra in western Anatolia / C.H. Roosevelt
Carving luxury : late classic white stone vase traditions in Mesoamerica / Christina Luke
Stone vessel production caves on the eastern slope of Mount Scopus, Jerusalem / David Amit, Jon Seligman and Irina Zilberbod
Beyond provenance analysis : the movement of basaltic artefacts through a social landscape / Graham Rutter and Graham Philip
New insights from old stones : a survey of ground stones studies / Jane Peterson.
New approaches to old stones : recent studies of ground stone artifacts. ISBN 9781845530440. Published by Equinox in 2008. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.