pt. 1. Themes. Saving humanity from hell / Shashi Tharoor
Communication multilateralism / Emanuel Adler
The contigent legitimacy of multilateralism / Robert O. Keohane
Power and world order / Coral Bell
Multilateralism, sovereignty and normative change in world politics / Amitav Acharya
From (alleged) unipolarity to the decline of multilateralism? A power-theoretical critique / Stefano Guzzini
The genealogy of multilateralism : reflections on an organizational form and its crisis / Fredrich Kratochwil
Multilateral crises in historical perspective / Edward Newman
pt. 2. Issues and challenges. Something old, something new : theoretical perspectives on contemporary international peace and security / K.J. Holsti
Weapons of mass destruction / Trevor Findlay
International humanitarianism in the contemporary world : forms and issues / David P. Forsythe
Progess and problems in the multilateral human rights regime / Richard J. Goldstone and Erin P. Kelly
Environmental multilateralism under challenge? / Joyeeta Gupta
AIDS, power, culture and multilateralism / Gwyn Prins
The uninvited challenge : terrorism targets the United Nations / Edward C. Luck
Civil wars, globalization, and the "Washington Consensus" / John Tirman
Using military force for human protection : what next? / Thomas G. Weiss
Social movements and multilateralism / Jackie Smith
Multilateralism and economic justice / Sirkku K. Hellsten
From unilateralism to bilateralism : challenges for the multilateral trade system / Beth A. Simmons
Multilateralism as a way of life in Europe / A.J.R. Groom
Between a rock and a hard place : Latin America and multilateralism after 9/11 / Jorge Heine
From economic to security multilateralism : great powers and international order in the Asia Pacific / Quansheng Zhao
Conclusions : multilateralism under challenge or in crisis? / Edward Newman and Ramesh Thakur.
Multilateralism under challenge? : power, international order, and structural change. ISBN 9789280811292. Published by United Nations University Press in 2006. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.