Ageing well : nutrition, health, and social interventions

Ageing well : nutrition, health, and social interventions

Publication Data

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Title from cover.


Nutritional concerns in old age / Lisette C.P.G.M. de Groot and Wija A. van Staveren
Regular exercise, the best investment for our old age / Marion E.T. McMurdo
Major eye diseases of later life: cataract and age related macular degeneration / Astrid E. Fletcher
Reminiscence in everyday talk between older people and their carers: implications for the quality of life of older people in care homes / Fiona Wilson ... [et al.]
Retention of cognitive function in old age: why initial intelligence is important / Lawrence J. Whalley
Health inequalities in old age in Britain / Elizabeth Breeze
Demographic change, family support, and ageing well: developed country perspectives / Emily M.D. Grundy
Energy efficiency and health of older people / Paul Wilkinson
Ageing, health, and welfare: an economic perspective / Charles Normand
Methodological issues in assessing the cost-effectiveness of interventions to improve the health of older people / Damian Walker and Cristian Aedo
Minimum income for healthy living: older people England 2005-2006 / Jerry Morris ... [et al.]
Responding to increasing human longevity: policy, practice, and research / David Metz.


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Ageing well : nutrition, health, and social interventions. ISBN 9780849374746. Published by CRC Press in 2007. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments. is a Good Stuff website.