Introduction : the British left and European integration
The history of the European project
Europe in the world
European third force (1945-47)
Intergovernmental cooperation (1948-60)
Conditional support for entry (1961-70)
Opposition to entry on Conservative terms (1971)
Renegotiating the terms of membership (1972-74)
The 1975 referendum
Reforming the European Union (1976-79)
Withdrawal (1980-87)
Constructive engagement (1988-96)
The 'only card game in town' (1988-1996)
The new party of Europe (1997-2005)
Promoting a people's Europe (1997-2005)
The retreat from radicalism (1988-2005)
The British left and European integration in the past
Theorizing the British left and European integration
The British left and European integration in the present and the future
Appendix : policy-making on the British left.
The British left's 'great debate' on Europe by Andrew Mullen. ISBN 9780826493668. Published by Continuum in 2007. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.