Forests, people and power : the political ecology of reform in South Asia

Forests, people and power : the political ecology of reform in South Asia

Publication Data


Setting up key policy issues in participatory forest management / Piers Blaikie & Oliver Springate-Baginski
Annexation, struggle and response: forest, people and power in India and Nepal / Oliver Springate-Baginski & Piers Blaikie with Ajit Banerjee ... [et al.]
Understanding the policy process / Piers Blaikie & Oliver Springate-Baginski
Actors and their narratives in PFM / Piers Blaikie & Oliver Springate-Baginski
Understanding the diversity of PFM livelihood and poverty impacts / Oliver Springate-Baginski & Piers Blaikie
Community forestry in the Nepal hills: practice and livelihood impacts / Jagannath Adhikari & Om Prakash Dev
Participatory forest management in the Nepalese Tarai / Binod Bhatta, Akhil Karna & Om Prakesh Dev
Joint forest management in West Bengal / Ajit Banerjee
Forests and livelihoods in Orissa / Kailas Sarap
Participatory forest management in Andhra Pradesh / Madhusudan Bandi ... [et al.]
Comparative policy and impact issues / Oliver Springate-Baginski & Piers Blaikie with Ajit Banerjee ... [et al.]
Participation or democratic decentralisation: strategic issues in local forest management / Piers Blaikie & Oliver Springate-Baginski.


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Forests, people and power : the political ecology of reform in South Asia. ISBN 9781844073474. Published by Earthscan in 2007. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments. is a Good Stuff website.