Engaging a reading
Christian theology : an historical overview
Augustine on theology and secular philosophy
Vincent of Lrins on tradition and theology
John Calvin on the nature of faith
Karl Barth on revelation and the Word of God
Emil Brunner on faith and reason
Paul Tillich on the nature of theology
C.S. Lewis on myths in theology
John Paul II on faith and reason
Athenagoras of Athens on the Christian God
Thomas Aquinas on analogies of God
Jorgen Moltmann on the suffering of God
Hans Urs von Balthasar on the glory of God
Elizabeth A. Johnson on female analogies for God
Sarah Coakley on vulnerability and God
Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola
Jonathan Edwards on the beauty of creation
William Paley on the contrivance of nature
John Henry Newman on natural religion
G.K.Chesterton on the doctrine of creation
Dorothy l. Sayers on creation and evil
Athanasius of Alexandria on the incarnation
Martin Kokhler on the Jesus of history
George Tyrrell on modern views of Jesus
Austin Farrer on the incarnation and suffering
Morna D. Hooker on chalcedon and the New Testament
N.T. Wright on Jesus and the identity of God
Rufinus of Aquileia on Christ's death as a victory
Anselm of Canterbury on satisfaction for sin
F.D.E. Schleiermacher on Christ as Redeemer
Bernard Lonergan on the rationality of salvation
Colin Gunton on the language of salvation
Rosemary Radford Ruether on suffering and redemption
Ienaeus of Lyons on the trinitarian faith
The Eleventh Council of Toledo on the Trinity
Henry Barclay Swete on the Holy Spirit and the Trinity
Karl Rahner on the economic Trinity
John Macquarrie on the function of the Trinity
Robert Jenson on the Trinity as God's name
Martin Luther on the nature of the church
Lesslie Newbigin on a missionary ecclesiology
The Second Vatican Council on the church
George Dragas on orthodox ecclesiology
Stanley Hauerwas on the church and the Christian story
Leonardo Boff on the reinvention of the church
Cyril of Jerusalem on the meaning of baptism
Huldrych Zwingli on the real presence
The Council of Trent on transubstantiation
The World Council of Churches on baptism
Rowan Williams on the sacraments as signs
Benedict XVI on the Eucharist
Cyprian of Carthage on the hope of heaven
Methodius of Olympus on the resurrection body
John Wesley on the final restoration of nature
The catechism of the Catholic Church on the resurrection
Wolfhart Pannenberg on eschatology and evil
Kathryn Tanner on eternal life.
Theology : the basic readings by Alister E. McGrath. ISBN 9781405170420. Published by Blackwell in 2008. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.