"Series started by Bertha Porter and Rosalind L.B. Moss, assisted by Ethel W. Burney".
Pts 3 & 4 written by: Jaromir Malek, assisted by Elizabeth Fleming, Alison Hobby and Diana Magee.
pt. 1. Royal statues. Private statues (Predynastic to Dynasty XVII)
pt. 2. Private statues (Dynasty XVIII to the Roman Period)
Indices to pt. 1 and 2, Statues
pt. 3. Stelae (Early Dynastic Period to Dynasty XVII)
pt. 4. Stelae (Dynasty XVIII to the Roman period) 803-044-050 to 803-099-990.
Topographical bibliography of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts, statues, reliefs and paintings. VIII, Objects of provenance not known by Jaromír Málek. ISBN 9780900416903. Published by Griffith Institute in 1999. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.