Terrorism, economic development, and political openness

Terrorism, economic development, and political openness

Publication Data


Economic consequences of terrorism in developed and developing countries : an overview / Todd Sandler and Walter Enders
The costs of responding to the terrorist threats : the U.S. case / Gregory F. Treverton ... [et al.]
From (no) butter to guns? : understanding the economic role in transnational terrorism / S. Brock Blomberg and Gregory D. Hess
The Lexus and the olive branch : globalization, democratization, and terrorism / S. Brock Blomberg and Gregory D. Hess
Kto kogo? : a cross-country study of the origins and targets of terrorism / Alan B. Krueger and David D. Laitin
Terrorism and civil war / Nicholas Sambanis
The political, economic, and organizational sources of terrorism / David D. Laitin and Jacob Shapiro
Economics and terrorism : what we know, what we should know, and the data we need / Fernanda Llussá and José Tavares.


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Terrorism, economic development, and political openness. ISBN 9780521887588. Published by Cambridge University Press in 2008. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments. is a Good Stuff website.