From national to transnational : a discipline en route to Europe / Máiréad Nic Craith
From CIAP to SIEF : visions for a discipline or power struggle? / Bjarne Rogan
Small national ethnologies and supranational empires : the case of the Habsburg monarchy / Bojan Baskar
How large are the issues for small ethnographies? : Bulgarian ethnology facing the new Europe / Galia Valtchinova
Challenges to the discipline : Lithuanian ethnology between scholarship and identity politics / Vytis Ciubrinskas
When is small beautiful? : the transformations of Swedish ethnology / Orvar Löfgren
The hybridity of minorities : a case-study of Sorb cultural research / Elka Tschernokoshewa
Turning the world upside down : towards a European ethnology in (and of) England / Ullrich Kockel
Ethnology in the north of Ireland / Anthony D. Buckley.
Everyday culture in Europe : approaches and methodologies. ISBN 9780754646907. Published by Ashgate in 2008. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.