PC world: political correctness and the modern zeitgeist
Loose canons and straw men of the apocalypse: the conservative campaign against PC in the US
Look right and left before proceeding: the political contours PC debate in the US
Water buffaloes in Pennsylvania: closing free speech
The end of civilization in California: illiberal multiculturalism
A day at the races in Michigan: the victims of reverse discrimination
Talking about political correctness: American conversations about political correctness and higher education
Green sheep in London: the loony left and British PC
PC and the panopticon principle: quangos, surveillance, and scripted communication in the academy
PC and the attenuated academy: social engineering, widening participation, and professional allegiance
Talking about political correctness: British conversations about political correctness and post-16 education
Conclusion: PC as oxymoron.
Political correctness and higher education : British and American perspectives by John Lea. ISBN 9780203888629. Published by Routledge in 2009. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.