Agriculture in urban planning : generating livelihoods and food security

Agriculture in urban planning : generating livelihoods and food security

Publication Data


Household food security among urban farmers in Nairobi, Kenya / Eunice Wambui Njogu
Urban compost: a socio-economic and agronomic evaluation in Kumasi, Ghana / Nikita S. Eriksen-Hamel and George Danso
Urban agriculture as a livelihood strategy in Lima, Peru / Luis Maldonado Villavicencio
The social and economic implications of urban agriculture on food security in Harare, Zimbabwe / Charity Mutonodzo
Urban agriculture and food security in Lilongwe and Blantyre, Malawi / David Dalison Mkwambisi
An analysis of the quality of wastewater used to irrigate vegetables in Accra, Kumasi and Tamale (Ghana) / Philip Amoah
Water contamination and its impact on vegetable production in the Rímac River, Peru / Henry Juarez
Wastewater use and urban agriculture in kinshasa, DR Congo / Kifuani Kia Mayeko
The health impacts of farming on producers in Rosario, Argentina / Patricia Silvia Propersi
Using participatory education and action research for health risk reduction amongst farmers in Dakar, Senegal / Nita Chaudhuri
Complex ecologies and city spaces: social-ecological networks of urban agriculture / Laura J. Shillington
Urban agriculture and physical planning: a case study of Zaria, Nigeria / Chuo Adamu Nsangu.


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Agriculture in urban planning : generating livelihoods and food security. ISBN 9781844076680. Published by Earthscan in 2009. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments. is a Good Stuff website.