Consumption and generational change : the rise of consumer lifestyles / Ian Rees Jones, Paul Higgs, and David J. Ekerdt
The third age : field, habitus, or identity? / Chris Glilleard and Paul Higgs
Good not gods : new spiritualities, consumerism, and religious markets / Bryan S. Turner
Dispossession : the tenacity of things / David J. Ekerdt
Old age, consumption, and change over time / Pat Thane
Ageing, cohorts, and consumption : the British experience 1968-2005 / Martin Hyde ... [et al.]
Housing crisis, generational inequalities, and welfare states / Fanny Bugeja
Generational marketing / George J. Moschis
Comparing welfare regime changes : living standards and the unequal life chances of different birth cohorts / Louis Chauvel.
Consumption & generational change : the rise of consumer lifestyles. ISBN 9781412808576. Published by Transaction in 2009. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.