NAFTA's impact on Mexican agriculture : an overview / Manuel Ángel Gómez Cruz and Rita Schwentesius Rindermann
Asymmetry of resources, access to information, and transparency as structural development challenges in rural areas / Manuel Chávez
Globalization, the state, and the role of agro-industry in Mexico's development / Mark A. Martinez and Gaspar Real Cabello
Sweet protectionism : state policy and employment in the sugar industries of the NAFTA countries / Gerardo Otero and Cornelia Butler Flora
Multinational agribusiness and small corn producers in rural Mexico : new alternatives for agricultural development / Juan M. Rivera
Transnationals and agriculture by contract : the case of three frozen-food companies in Mexico / Elia Patlán Martínez and Juan de Dios Trujillo Félix
The organic farming sector in Mexico : an example of resistance to globalization / Laura Gómez Tovar and Manuel Ángel Gómez Cruz
Bimbo-Coronado and goat-keepers in Matehuala / Juan de Dios Trujillo Félix, Elia Patlán Martínez and Rita Schwentesius Rindermann.
NAFTA and the campesinos : the impact of NAFTA on small-scale agricultural producers in Mexico and the prospects for change. ISBN 9781589661806. Published by University of Scranton Press in 2009. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.