Social regionalism in the global economy
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Social regionalism in the global economy

Publication Data


Asymmetric integration and the restructuring of social relations in global firms : actors, institutions, and norms / Christian L'vesque and Gregor Murray
MNC strategies and their linkages with SMEs / Clemente Ruiz-Durá́n and Jorge Carrillo
The role of MNCs in reshaping employment relations in China / Hao Hu and Christian L'vesque
European trade unions and EU Labour Law / Brian Bercusson
European works councils and trade union networking : a new space for regulation and workers' solidarity in Europe? / Valé́ria Pulignano
Solidarity without borders? : Canadian law and trans-American union solidarity action / Pierre Verge
Does social embeddedness still matter? : a case study in the Ghanaian mining sector / Brice Adanhounme
The reformulation of labour law in post-communist Central and Eastern Europe / Arturo Bronstein
Mapping the social in Caribbean regional integration / Rose-Marie Belle Antoine
Labour reform from a regional perspective : experiences in the Americas / Graciela Bensusan
The evolution of European social integration under globalization : some reflections on recent developments / Marie-Ange Moreau
The paradox of Ohada's transnational, hard law, labour harmonization initiative / Adelle Blackett
Labour migration as an unintended consequence of globalization in Mexico, 1980-2000 / Chantal Thomas
Putting international labour law on the (right) map / Brian Langille
The cartography of transnational labour law : projection, scale, and symbolism / Judy Fudge.


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Social regionalism in the global economy. ISBN 9780203844830. Published by Routledge in 2011. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments. is a Good Stuff website.