Introduction / Clifford G. Christians and John C. Merrill
The altruistic stance : loyalty to others
Tenzin Gyatso, the Dalai Lama : universal compassion / John C. Merril
Jesus : loving neighbors / Mary Hulst
John Stuart Mill : utilitarianism / Raphael Cohen-Almagor
Carol Gilligan : ethics of care / Lee Wilkins
Martin Luther King, Jr. : ethics of personalism / William Babcock
Mother Teresa : the ethics of sacrifice / Janice Hume
The egoistic stance : loyalty to self
Aristotle : self-development / Lee Anne Peck
Friedrich Nietzsche : becoming an übermensch / Clifford G. Christians
Machiavelli : pragmatic realism / John C. Merrill
Camus : the rebellious spirit / David J. Gunkel
Kautilya of India : social egoism / John C. Merrill
Ayn Rand : rational self-interest / John C. Merrill
The autonomy stance : loyalty to freedom
Henry David Thoreau : value of solitude / Stephanie Craft
John Locke : natural rights / Patrick Lee Plaisance
Dietrich Bonhoeffer : courage versus authority / Ronald C. Arnett
Paulo Freire : face saving and communication / Ronald C. Arnett
Hannah Arendt : public as authority / Maurine Beasley
The legalist stance : loyalty to authority
Plato : elite norms / Lee Anne Peck
Muhammad : honor centered morality / Mohammad A. Siddiqi
Immanuel Kant : importance of duty / Lee Anne Peck
Moses : deontological norms / William Babcock
Thomas Hobbes : the ethics of social order / Stephen J.A. Ward
The communitarian stance : loyalty to the community
Confucius : ethics of character / Virginia Whitehouse
Mohandas Gandhi : fellowship of power / Lee Wilkins
Karl Marx : transcending alienation / Jon Bekken
John Dewey : democratic conversation / Lee Wilkins
Jürgen Habermas : consensus and citizenship / David S. Allen
Emmanuel Levinas : priority of the other / Ronald C. Arnett.
Ethical communication : moral stances in human dialogue. ISBN 9780826218469. Published by London in 2009. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.