Aims of education. The epistemic aims of education / Emily Robertson
Moral and political aims of education / Harry Brighouse
Tagore, Dewey, and the imminent demise of liberal education / Martha Nussbaum
Thinking, reasoning, teaching, and learning. Thinking, reasoning, and education / Richard Feldman
Why fallibility has not mattered and how it could / Jonathan E. Adler
Indoctrination / Eamonn Callan and Dylan Arena
Educating for authenticity : the paradox of moral education revisited / Stefaan E. Cuypers
The development of rationality / David Moshman
Philosophy and developmental psychology : outgrowing the deficit conception of childhood / Gareth B. Matthews
Socratic teaching and Socratic method / Thomas C. Brickhouse and Nicholas D. Smith
Educating the practical imagination : a prolegomena / Amélie Rorty
Moral, value, and character education. Caring, empathy, and moral education / Michael Slote
Kantian moral maturity and the cultivation of character / Marcia W. Baron
The persistence of moral skepticism and the limits of moral education / Elijah Millgram
Values education / Graham Oddie
Knowledge, curriculum, and educational research. Curriculum and the value of knowledge / David Carr
Education, democracy, and capitalism / Philip Kitcher
Art and education / Catherine Z. Elgin
Science education, religious toleration, and liberal neutrality toward the good / Robert Audi
Constructivisms, scientific methods, and reflective judgment in science education / Richard E. Grandy
Empirical educational research : charting philosophical disagreements in an undisciplined field / D.C. Phillips
Social and political issues. Educating for individual freedom and democratic citizenship : in unity and diversity there is strength / Amy Gutmann
Mapping multicultural education / Meira Levinson
Prejudice / Lawrence Blum
Educational authority and the interests of children / Rob Reich
Approaches to philosophy of education and philosophy. Pragmatist philosophy of education / Randall Curren
Feminist philosophy and education / Nel Noddings
Postmodernism and education / Nicholas C. Burbules.
The Oxford handbook of philosophy of education. ISBN 9780195312881. Published by Oxford University Press in 2009. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.