Violence against women in South Asian communities : issues for policy and practice

Violence against women in South Asian communities : issues for policy and practice

Publication Data


Understanding violence against South Asian women : what it means for practice / Ravi K. Thiara and Aisha Gill
Charting South Asian women's struggles against gender-based violence / Amrit Wilson
Masculinities and violence against women in South Asian communities : transnational perspectives / Marzia Balzani
Shrinking secular spaces : Asian women at the intersect of race, religion, and gender / Pragna Patel and Hannana Siddiqui
Moving toward a "multiculturalism without culture" : constructing a victim-friendly human rights approach to forced marriage in the UK / Aisha Gill and Trishima Mitra-Kahn
Continuing control : child contact and post-separation violence / Ravi K. Thiara
Shariah councils and the resolution of matrimonial disputes : gender and justice in the "shadow" of the law / Samia Bano
Protection for all? : the failures of the domestic violence rule for (Im)migrant women / Kaveri Sharma and Aisha Gill.


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Violence against women in South Asian communities : issues for policy and practice. ISBN 9781843106708. Published by Jessica Kingsley in 2010. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments. is a Good Stuff website.