A wolf in sheep's clothing or a sheep in wolf's clothing : resistance to educational reform in Chile / Jill Pinkney Pastrana
Education rights, education policies, and inequality in South Africa / Salim Vally, Enver Motala, and Brian Ramadiro
Taking on the corporatization of public education : what teacher education can do / Pepi Leistyna
Revolutionary critical pedagogy : the struggle against the oppression of neoliberalism : a conversation with Peter McLaren / Sebastjan Leban and Peter McLaren
Class, capital, and education in this neoliberal and neoconservative period / Dave Hill
Defending dialectics : rethinking the neo-Marxist turn in critical education theory / Wayne Au
Hijacking public schooling : the epicenter of neo-radical centrism / João M. Paraskeva
Critical teaching as the counter-hegemony to neoliberalism / John Smyth
Empowering education : Freire, cynicism, and a pedagogy of action / Richard Van Heertum
Teachers matter...don't they? Placing teachers and their work in the global knowledge economy / Susan L. Robertson
Afterword : After neoliberalism? Which way capitalism? / David Hursh.
Revolutionizing pedagogy : education for social justice within and beyond global neo-liberalism. ISBN 9780230607996. Published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2010. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.