Challenges in central banking : the current institutional environment and forces affecting monetary policy

Challenges in central banking : the current institutional environment and forces affecting monetary policy

Publication Data


The state of play in central banking and the challenges to come / Pierre L. Siklos, Martin T. Bohl and Mark E. Wohar
Is the time ripe for price level path stability? / Vitor Gaspar, Frank Smets and David Vestin
The principal-agent approach to monetary policy delegation / Georgios E. Chortareas and Stephen M. Miller
Implementing monetary policy in the 2000s : operating procedures in Asia and beyond / Corrinne Ho
Analysis of financial stability / Charles A.E. Goodhart and Dimitri P. Tsomocos
National central banks in a multi-national system / David G. Mayes and Geoffrey E. Wood
The complex relationship between central bank independence and inflation / Bernd Hayo and Carsten Hefeker
Independence and accountability in supervision : comparing central banks and financial authorities / Donato Masciandaro, Marc Quintyn and Michael W. Taylor
The economic impact of central bank transparency : a survey / Carin van der Cruijsen and Sylvester C.W. Eijffinger
How central banks take decisions : an analysis of monetary policy meetings / Philip Maier
Institutional rules and the conduct of monetary policy : does a central bank need governing principles? / Pierre L. Siklos.


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Challenges in central banking : the current institutional environment and forces affecting monetary policy. ISBN 9780521199292. Published by Cambridge University Press in 2010. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments. is a Good Stuff website.