Pet avengers classic

Pet avengers classic

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"Contains material originally published in magazine form"--Indicia.
"Lockjaw: Thing #4, Redwing: Captain America #220, Zabu: Ka-Zar the Savage #14-15, Lockheed: X-Men unlimited #43, Lobo: Marvel comics presents #72, Niels: Speedball #6, Nancy: Marvel tales #100, Monkey Joe: Marvel super-heroes #8, Kirby: Amazing fantasy #15, Ebony: Fantastic Four #94, Sassafrass: The New Defenders #150, Brightwind: New Mutants annual #4, Franklin Richards' hamster : Happy Franksgiving, Super-Apes: New Warriors #2, Spot: Journey into mystery #57"--Prelim.


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Pet avengers classic. ISBN 9780785139669. Published by Marvel in 2009. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments. is a Good Stuff website.