pt. 1: v. 1. General introduction. Anne Steele, Poems on subjects chiefly devotional (1780) / edited by Julia B. Griffin
v. 2. Anne Steele, miscellaneous pieces in verse and prose (1780); Anne Steele, Verses for children (1788); Unpublished poetry, prose and correspondence of Anne Steele / edited by Julia B. Griffin
v. 3. Poetry, prose and correspondence of Mary Steele / edited by Timothy Whelan
v. 4. Poetry and correspondence of Mary Scott; poetry of Hannah Towgood Wakeford; Poetry of Margaret Steele Wakeford; poetry of Marianna Attwater; poetry of Jane Attwater; poetry and periodical prose of Elizabeth Coltman / edited by Timothy Whelan
pt. 2: v. 5. Poetry of Maria Grace Saffray / edited by Timothy Whelan
v. 6. Correspondence of Maria Grace Saffray and Anne Andrews Whitaker / edited by Timothy Whelan
v. 7. Juvenile fiction of Maria Grace Andrews Saffery; Religious prose of Mary Egerton Scott; Religious prose of Elizabeth Coltman; Religious prose of Jane Adams Houseman / edited by Timothy Whelan
v. 8. Diary and meditations of Mrs John Walrond; Poetry prose, letters and selections from the diary of Anne Cator Steele; Letters, prose, and poetry of Hannah Towgood Wakeford; Prose writings of Jane Attwater; Diary of Frances Barrett Ryland; Diary of Elizabeth Horsey Saffery; Diary of Sophia Williams; Fragment of the diary of Caroline Attwater Whitaker; Diary of Anne Andrews Whitaker; index / edited by Timothy Whelan.
Nonconformist women writers, 1720-1840. ISBN 9781851961542. Published by Pickering & Chatto in 2011. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.