The sociologist as movie critic / by Dave Randall and Wes Sharrock
The project as an organisational environment for the division of labour / by Wes Sharrock
Organisational acumen / by Peter Tolmie and Mark Rouncefield
On calculation / by John A Hughes
Plans and planning : conceptual confusions and empirical investigations / by Dave Randall and Mark Rouncefield
The temporal order of work / by Andy Crabtree, Mark Rouncefield, and Peter Tolmie
Talk : talking the organisation into being / by David Martin and Jacki O'Neill
Meetings and the accomplishment of organization / by John Hughes, Dave Randall, Mark Rouncefield, and Peter Tolmie
Documents / by Mark Hartswood, Mark Rouncefield, Roger Slack, and Andrew P Carlin
Text at work : Mundane practices of reading in workplaces / by John Rooksby
Technology / by Mark Rouncefield, Mark Hartswood, and Roger Slack
Conclusion : ethnomethodology and constructionist studies of technology / by Wes Sharrock and Graham Button.
Ethnomethodology at work by Mark Rouncefield. ISBN 9780754647713. Published by Ashgate in 2011. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.