Spiral bound.
A children's residential centre in HSE Dublin Mid Leinster : inspection ID: 409, fieldwork date: 14th, 15th, & 22nd July 2010, publication date: 8th October 2010, SSI inspection period: 12, Centre ID number: 424
A children's residential centre in the HSE Dublin Mid Leinster area : follow up inspection report ID number: 413, follow-up inspection date: 12th August 2010, publication date: 8th October 2010, SSI inspection period: 12, centre ID number: 225.
A children's residential centre in HSE Dublin Mid Leinster : inspection ID: 409 ; A children's residential centre in the HSE Dublin Mid Leinster area : follow up inspection report ID number: 413. Published by Health Information and Quality Authority in 2010. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.