The long road home: conceptual debates on recruitment experiences and reintegration outcomes / Alpaslan Özerdem and Sukanya Podder
Why do children fight? Motivations and the mode of recruitment / Scott Gates
Child soldier recruitment in the Liberian civil wars: individual motivations and rebel group tactics / Sukanya Podder
Group cohesion and coercive recruitment: young combatants and the Revolutionary United Front of Sierra Leone / Krijn Peters
Girl soldiers in Guatemala / Wenche Hauge
Resilience amidst risks for recruitment: a case study of 'at risk' children in Colombia / Ryan Burgess
How voluntary? The role of community in youth participation in Muslim Mindanao / Alpaslam Özerdem and Sukanya Podder
Neither child nor soldier: contested terrains in identity, victimcy and survival / Sukanya Podder
'But I'm a man': The imposition of childhood on and denial of identity and economic opportunity to Afghanistan's child soldiers / Steven A. Zyck
Socialization and reintegration challenges: a case study of the Lord's Resistance Army / Lotte Vermeij
Social navigation and power in post-conflict Sierra Leone: reflections from a former child soldier turned bike rider / Myriam Denov
Victimcy as social navigation: from the toolbox of Liberian child soldiers / Mats Utas
Mozambique life outcome study: how did child soldiers turn out as adults? / Neil Boothby
Exclusion or reintegration: child soldiers in Angola / Jaremey R. McMullin
Child soldier reintegration in Sudan: a practitioner's field experience / Patrick Halton
Reintegration of child soldiers in Nepal: grassroots reflections / Dilli Raj Binandi and Pratisha Dewan Binadi
Mapping child soldier reintegration outcomes: exploring the linkages / Alpaslam Özerdem and Sukanya Podder.
Child soldiers : from recruitment to reintegration. ISBN 9780230241961. Published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2011. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.