Introduction to EMS systems and the role of the first responder
Legal and ethical principles of emergency care
The wellness and safety of the first responder
Introduction to anatomy
Principles of lifting, moving, and positioning
Airway management and rescue breathing
Principles of assessment
Caring for medical emergencies
Caring for soft-tissue injuries and shock
Caring for muscle and bone injuries
Caring for injuries to the head and spine
Multiple-casualty incidents and principles of triage
Appendix 1. Blood pressure monitoring
Appendix 2. Airway adjuncts, suctioning, and oxygen therapy
Appendix 3. Weapons of mass destruction and the terrorist threat
Appendix 4. Skill sheets.
Emergency responder : advanced first aid for non-EMS personnel by Chris Le Baudour. ISBN 9780131712140. Published by Brady/Pearson in 2012. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.