Publication Data
- Title Home/work : the roles of education, literacy and learning in the social networks and mobility patterns of migrant carers
- Author Sondra Cuban
- Contributor Economic and Social Research Council
- Publisher ESRC
- Publication date 2010
- Publication location Swindon
- Language English
Descriptive Notes
Title from grant award details, page 1.
Author from citation details, page 1.
"Grant start date: 1 January 2008, Grant end date: 31 March 2010"--grant award details, page 1.
- Allied health personnel :: England :: Cumbria :: Social conditions
- Allied health personnel :: England :: Cumbria :: Economic conditions
- Foreign workers :: England :: Cumbria :: Social conditions
- Foreign workers :: England :: Cumbria :: Economic conditions
- Allied health personnel :: Education :: England :: Cumbria
- Foreign workers :: Education :: England :: Cumbria
- Social mobility :: England :: Cumbria
- Work-life balance :: England :: Cumbria
- People with disabilities :: Care :: England :: Cumbria
- Older people :: Care :: England :: Cumbria