Comparative mysticism : an anthology of original sources

Comparative mysticism : an anthology of original sources

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Mystical ascent to Heaven / Ma'aseh Merkavah
In the world to above / Pirkei Hechalot Rabbati
Knowledge of human power and power and the divine reality : the Book of Bahir
The Sefirot : the divine emanations : explanation of the ten Sefirot
Revelation and the giving of Torah : "all of Israel saw the letters" in the Zohar
Language and meaning / Zohar, 2:99 a-b
The many meanings of the Torah : "the old man and the beautiful maiden" in the Zohar
The mystical Sabbath : "the secret of Sabbath" in the Zohar
The end of exile and the future redemption : God, Israel, and "Shekhinah" in the Zohar
Divine emination and the names of God / R. Joseph Gikatilla
The essential quality of God is mercy / R. Joseph Gikatilla
The mystery of sexuality : the holy letter, attributed to Nahmanides
Meditation / R. Hai Gaon (11th century)
Preparing for mystical experience / Abraham Abulafia, 13th century
Meditations on the morning service / R. Alexander Susskind of Grodno, 18th century
The combination of letter / Abraham Abulafia, 13th century
Breathing exercises / Abraham Abulafia, 13th century
Breathing exercises and Hebrew letters / Abraham Abulafia, 13th century
Shaking of one's head / Abraham Abulafia, 13th century
Weeping / Midrash, Ecclesiastes Rabbah
Crying to God / Anonymous, Perakem be-Hazlachah, sometimes attributed to R. Moses ben Maimon, late 12th, early 13th centuries
Prayer and tears / R. Abraham ha-Levi, 16th century
Meditation and colors / R. Moses Cordovero, 16th century
Clinging to God / R. Ezra of Gerona, 13th century
A linking of souls / R. Menachem Recanti
Cleaving to the Sechinah / R. Menachem Recanati
Devekut and the performance of Mitzvot / R. Azriel of Gerona, 13th century
Devekut and sexual union / Anonymous, The Holy Letter, traditionally attributed to R. Moses ben Nahman, 13th century
Devekut and worship / R. Meir ibn Gabbay, 16th century
Devekut and Torah study / R. Chaim Vital, 16th century
Mystical experience / Anonymous text, attributed to a student of Abraham Abulafia
Intellectual mystical union / Abraham Abulafia, 13th century
Loss of self / R. Isaac of Acre, late 13th century-early 14th century
The annihilation of selfhood / R. Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev, 18th century
Reunification of the self and God / R. Schneur Zalman of Liadi, late 18th-early 19th century
Unio mystico, Torah and Mitzvot / R. Nachman of Bratzlav, 19th century
Mystical actions that create mystical experience / R. Yehudah Albotini
Mystical prayer / Lakha Dodi
A mystical love song / R. Isaac Luria
Ethical behavior and mystical experience / R. Elijah de Vidas
Heavenly tutors / R. Joseph ben Ephraim Karo
Mystical ascents / The Baal Shem Tov
The mystical master : the Zaddik / R. Kalonymus Kalman Epstein
Reincarnation / Sefer ha-Bahir
Reincarnation and human action / R. Isaac Luria
Asceticism and evil thoughts / Evagrius Ponticus, Praktikos
Introductory explanations to spiritual exercises / Ignatius of Loyola
The dark night of the senses : ascent of Mount Carmel and dark night of the senses in John of the Cross
Purgation / Nun Marie of the Incarnation
A mystical reading of the Song of songs / Origen
Kisses / Bernard of Clairvaux
Contemplation and ascent / Richard of St. Victor
Stages in the ascent to God / Bonaventure
Stages of ascent / Marguerite Porete
Mystical prayer / Teresa of Jesus
The Jesus prayer / Arsenii Troepol'skii
"Seeing" and "touching" God / Saint Augustine
The vision of Saint Benedict / Saint Gregory the Great
Mystical illumination / Symeon
Seeking the divine lover / Bernard of Clairvaux
Mystical elevations / Angela of Foligno
The ecstatic experience / Richard Rolle
The "wound" of love / Teresa of Jesus
Meeting the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob / Blaise Pascal
The pursuit of God / Gregory of Nyssa
The absolute mystery of the divine / Pseudo-Dionysius
Mystical union / William of St. Thierry
The union of God and man / Meister Eckhard
Forms of mystical union / John Ruusbroec.


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