Aboriginal Australians :: South Australia :: Maralinga Region :: Juvenile literature
Anangu (Australian people) :: History :: Juvenile literature
Atomic bomb :: South Australia :: Maralinga :: Testing :: Juvenile literature
Maralinga (S. Aust.) :: History :: Juvenile literature
Maralinga (S. Aust.)
Catalogue Data
ISBN 10 1742378420
ISBN 13 9781742378428
Type BibliographicResource, Book
Dewey Classification 994.2380049915
P1008>Paperback Paperback edition
P1053 70 pages
P1042 Includes bibliographical references.
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Maralinga : the Aṉangu story by Christobel Mattingley. ISBN 9781742378428. Published by Allen & Unwin in 2012. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.